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这铁管上有鳞状般的铁锈。This iron pipe is scaly with rust.

那只既狡猾又活泼的蛇有六十条多鳞的条纹。A tricky frisky snake with sixty super scaly stripes.

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如果没有足够的维生素A,皮肤就会变得枯燥,干硬,松弛。Without enough A, skin becomes dry, tough, and scaly.

乌龟有个硬骨壳和多鳞的小脑袋。A turtle has a hard, bony shell and a small, scaly head.

这是其膨胀的眼睛,上面覆着鳞片盖子。It's its bulging eyes, which are covered with scaly lids.

给我吃的全是带着鳞皮的鸡爪子。I was regaled with the scaly tips of the drumsticks of the fowls.

碰疼时我本能后退,结果又被粗糙的树皮擦伤背或胳膊。Recoiling in pain, I’d scrape my back or arms on the scaly tree bark.

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然而,如果您抽烟,染上这种鳞屑皮肤病的风险将大幅提高。However, if you do smoke, your risk for the scaly skin condition goes up—a lot.

银屑病的症状主要是红色鳞屑性皮疹伴有瘙痒及皮肤脱屑。Symptoms commonly include a reddish, scaly rash, with itching and flaking skin.

如果肌肤里没有充足的生物素,皮肤就会变得干燥、鳞状的。If you don't have enough biotin in your body, your skin can become dry and scaly.

初看似严重的晒斑,后呈红褐色,粗糙并有鳞屑。It may look like a severe sunburn, later becoming reddish Brown, rough, and scaly.

该建筑被包裹在很精细的类似鳞片状的不锈钢丝网内。The building is wrapped in a fine, almost scaly veil of stainless steel wire mesh.

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非洲树穿山甲的皮肤和毛发是白色的,没有外部耳朵和鳞状尾巴。African tree pangolin has white skin and hair, lacking external ear and scaly tail.

蛇是截肢,冷血,和鳞片属于爬行动物的顺序有鳞目。Snakes are limbless, cold-blooded, and scaly reptiles belonging to the order of Squamata.

这种红锯蛱蝶带鳞的翅膀上也有同样的图案,它因此得名。A similar design appears on the scaly wings that gave the red lacewing butterfly its name.

洁白的鳞状鳄梨含有的有益物质能使我们看起来气色红润。The innocent-looking scaly avocado is loaded with good stuff to make us look like hot stuff.

不过,像”悔恨”这类在土耳其语中表示”满是皱的皮革”或是”鳞状的鲨鱼皮”的词就鲜为人知了。But what about “chagrin”, derived from the Turkish for roughened leather, or scaly sharkskin.

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它隐约看起来像一只巨型的蝾螈,身体灰色,长有鳞片,有一条鱼型的细长尾巴。It vaguely resembles a giant salamander, with gray, scaly flesh and a long, slender fish tail.

维生素摄入不足能导致坏血病、皮肤炎或干燥、鳞状皮肤之类的问题。Not eating enough of them can result in problems such as scurvy, dermatitis or dry, scaly skin.

毛发改变。上了年纪的狗狗,皮肤变得乾燥且多皮屑,其失去光泽并显得黯淡。Hair coat changes. In the senior dog, the skin becomes dry and scaly. It loses luster and looks dull.