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她无耻地诽谤他。She belied him shamefully.

义人恨恶谎言.恶人有臭名、且致惭愧。A righteous man hates falsehood, But a wicked man acts disgustingly and shamefully.

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李陵打算暂时先忍辱投降,以便伺机等待机会反击。Li Ling shamefully surrendered for the moment, planning to wait for an opportunity to strike back.

那儆醒并保守其衣裳、免得赤身而行、让人看见他的下体的、有福阿!Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.

但是这一问题没有得到多少关注,而美国的大部分妇女团体在这方面的贡献少得可耻。Yet it's an issue that gets little attention and that most American women's groups have done shamefully little to address.

毕竟在之前,她的“拯救下一代协会”已经厚颜地把问题的责任都推到一些毫不相干的事情上,她会再这么做也没什么奇怪的。After all, her organization Generation Rescue has shamefully blamed them on totally unrelated things before, and no doubt will again.

高中的第一天,我极度害羞,不知所措地走向学生委员会签名报到,因为我想这样就可以免于一个人尴尬地在这么大的校园里独自徘徊。Painfully shy, I had signed up for student council because I thought it might save me from wandering around a huge high school shamefully alone.

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世界最大的巧克力产生商雀巢公司对这个十几亿人口却几乎没有消费巧克力的市场充满希望。As the world's largest chocolate-maker Nestlé has high hopes for a market of more than a billion people who currently eat shamefully little chocolate.

作为全世界最大的巧克力生产商雀巢急切希望拥有超过10亿人的大市场,虽然现在他们只羞涩地消费少许巧克力。As the world’s largest chocolate-maker Nestlé has high hopes for a market of more than a billion people who currently eat shamefully little chocolate.

罗斯-莱赫蒂宁是一名古巴籍美国人,他说,古巴无耻地宣扬自己是性旅游的地点,这种活动剥削了大量儿童。Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban American, said Cuba has shamefully been promoting itself as a destination for sexual tourism that exploits large numbers of children.

那天我在卫德里看球时,意大利人和巴西人的表现可算温和了,早些时候他们喜欢的球队惨败时,他们可没这么温和。S35a. What I saw that day in Madrial was mild compared to what happened in Italy and Brazil when their two favored terms was shamefully defeated in early rounds.

在苏珊眼里雪莉是她的宝贝......在他出生后我就一直病着所以她一直照顾他直到我相信她认为他是属于她的,她叫他她的‘棕色的小男孩’而且羞涩的宠溺他。I was ill so long after he was born and she looked after him till I really believe she thinks he is her own. She calls him her 'little brown boy' and spoils him shamefully.

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地中海沿岸的国家希望欧盟协助应付可能大量涌入的移民,但这些难民危机的主要影响国在帮助突尼斯和埃及时的行动缓慢令人可耻。The Club Med countries want EU help to cope with a possible influx, but they have been shamefully slow to help Tunisia and Egypt, which are bearing the brunt of the refugee crisis.