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暗室瞬间启动,暗盒内瞬间启动。Darkroom momentary boot, Windows inside momentary boot.

我在学习在暗房冲洗照片。I'm learning to develop my own photographs in the darkroom.

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他突然打开了我暗房的门,使我所有的胶片都曝光了。He opened the door of my darkroom suddenly and exposed all my film.

硝苯地平在暗室红灯下,浓度基本不变。The concentration of nifedipine was stable with redlight in darkroom.

尽管有新技术,暗房的魔力仍然叫我着迷。Despite new technologies, the magic of the darkroom still fascinates me.

你的这座潜意识的暗室,是你的病被治愈的地方,也是你的财富诞生的所在。Along with healing, your subconscious darkroom is where your wealth is produced.

而且,她说她从没想过这些照片在暗房以外还有什么生命力。Still, she says she never thought they would have much life outside her darkroom.

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佛牙装在一个金盒子中,搁在庙的顶层一个暗室里。The buddha's tooth installs in a golden box, puts in a temple top layer darkroom.

就像应用“暗房”,你可以控制相圈上的拍摄参数。You can control their shooting parameters on the camera canva just like Darkroom.

1989年11月9日,我正在暗房忙乎,突然听说柏林墙倒了。On Nov. 9. 1989, I was in the darkroom when I heard that the Berlin Wall had fallen.

暗室安全灯Adorama更换灯泡,15瓦的灯大部分暗室安全。Adorama Darkroom Safelight Replacement Bulb, 15 Watts, for Most Darkroom Safe Lights.

你的潜意识是一个暗室Your subconscious is your great darkroom. It’s the secret place where your outer life develops.

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在转换时,更可利用特别网片或黑房技巧,使相片有特别效果。Special effect can BE achieved during conversion by using special screens or darkroom techniques.

所有剩余的快照就会被葬送,因为有人无意中打开暗室的大门。All remaining snapshots will be ruined because someone unwittingly opens the door to the darkroom.

一个星期泡在暗房里,会使你的心智和身体都得到很好的调整和解脱。When asked what you would consider the perfect getaway, say "a week alone in a darkroom" and mean it.

本文给出对市售普通玻璃刀进行暗室内使用的小改革。A method of improving an ordinary glass cutter to make it suitable for the use in a darkroom is given.

同时,我们对你司出口的日本产各种照相机,冲洗药品以及。We are also interested in various Japanese camera, chemicals, darkroom equipment, which may be for export.

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所以在一段时期内,暗室不再风光,但是数码机还算不上完美。So there was this whole period where the darkroom was not all that exciting, but the digital wasn't perfect.

该软件允许用户改变该会已不可能采用传统的暗房方法的途径图像。The software lets users change images in ways that would have been impossible using traditional darkroom methods.

通过对暗室处理过程中各个环节的控制,有效提高射线底片的质量。Through controlling the each step in process of darkroom disposal, improve the quality of the sciagram efficently.