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在美国,解决这些问题需要数年的时间。In America it may take years to unpick this.

专利免拆洗功能刮洗装置,节省您的时间。Patent free function of unpick and wash washing device, save your time.

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如果你不喜欢,你可以把工作服的褶边拆掉。You can always unpick the hems on the dungarees if you don't like them.

在一个3分钟的新闻报道中,几乎没有时间解析复杂的科学争论。In a three-minute news story there's little time to unpick complex scientific debates.

法国引人入胜的展览欲揭开世界上最有名的猿人之谜。And a provocative exhibition tries to unpick the myth about the world's most famous apeman.

然而今天学校的学生被教如何阅读银行结单和拆分财务缩写词。While today's school pupils are taught how to read bank statements and unpick financial abbreviations, Which?

投资者们也担心胡马拉是否会在私人公司优化港口、机场和道路的情况下拆散合约。Investors will also worry if Mr Humala tries to unpick contracts under which private firms are upgrading ports, airports and roads.

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你需要很多爱和理解,以帮助你理清你的感觉,解开正在将你压垮的困惑的问题。You need lots of love and understanding to help you to get to grips with your feelings and unpick the confusing issues that are overwhelming you.

实质上,曼联并不算是支进攻型球队。如果他们面前是一扇锁住的门,那他们开锁的能力就让人置疑了。In essence, United are not considered an attacking team. If they are presented with a locked door, there are question marks as to their ability to unpick it.

回收二手航母,大修核反应堆,拆洗和洗导弹发动机油,清洁的航空母舰,航天飞机,维修,这样的变化。Recycling second-hand aircraft carrier, overhaul nuclear reactor, unpick and wash missile engine oil, clean aircraft carrier, space shuttle, maintenance, such change.

如九月七日“动物行为”中所述,对“动机和精神状态是如何影响动物互动的”的研究是当前灵长类动物学趋向的一部分。The study, described in Animal Behavior, Sept. 7, is part of a current trend in primatology to unpick how motivation and mental state affects an animal’s interactions.

现在人们使用一种与沃伦·韦弗逻辑完全不同的方式来进行机器翻译——老式机器翻译先将源语言的句子分解处理然后翻译成目标语言的句子,而谷歌在线翻译就是一种统计机器翻译方式,该方式没有去挑选或理解任何语言形式。Now we have a beast of a different kind. Google Translate is a statistical machine translation system, which means that it doesn’t try to unpick or understand anything.

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这种技术是使用“快速傅里叶变换”把一束激光中的超过300中不同的光的颜色的光分解出来,每一种光被编码成它自己的信息串。The trick is to use what is known as a "fast Fourier transform" to unpick more than 300 separate colours of light in a laser beam, each encoded with its own string of information.

在这儿,研究者们采用一种被称为光学快速傅里叶变换的方法来分离出数据流。In the current experiment, the team sent their signals down 50km of optical fibre and then implemented what is known as an optical fast Fourier transform to unpick the data streams.