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像保姆解除她的职责。Like a nursemaid relieved of her duty.

它的女人要去别的国家做保姆!Its woman must go to other country to be the nursemaid !

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小时候每当我感到忧虑害怕的时候,保姆总是会给我唱歌。When I was a child, my nursemaid sang to me whenever I was worried or afraid.

次日早上,一个老女仆来帮公主喂鸽子。The next morning, an old nursemaid came to feed the dove on behalf of the Princess.

进入房间的女仆发现了鸽子安祥地躺在公主旁边。On entering the room, the nursemaid found the dove's body resting in peace beside the Princess.

15岁的时候,因为跟母亲不合,莱辛离家出走,找了份保姆的工作。In flight from her mother, Lessing left home when she was fifteen and took a job as a nursemaid.

于是女仆决定把这颗果子种在靠近公主房间窗口右边的花园中间。The nursemaid decided to plant it in the middle of the garden right under the window of the Princess's room.

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但若非是你那在天上的保姆的影响,你也许会睡得更少,吞下更多垃圾食品。But maybe you would be sleeping even less and devouring a lot more junk were it not for the influence of your etheric nursemaid.

艾尔斯给她姐姐一家做保姆、看孩子,并在1881年之后搬去与他们同住在店铺楼上。Ayres worked as a household assistant and nursemaid to the Chandlers, and at some point after 1881 moved in with the family, who lived above the shop.

但Paquette和Messier报道说种植长速快的杂交白杨作为庇护长速慢的树木的保姆品种出现了令人惊讶的结果。But Paquette and Messier report that planting fast-growing hybrid poplar as nursemaid species to shelter slower-growing trees shows promising early results.