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我的手夹了。My hand is stuck.

你的脚趾被卡住了?Get your toe stuck?

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他们把由失业救济金。They stuck by Dole.

他被困在那里。He's stuck in there.

这些是留给你的。These stuck for you.

而且不能让他被卡住呢?And not make him stuck?

我被困在车阵中。I got stuck in traffic.

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美洲獾会被卡在溜滑梯吗?Do the badgers get stuck?

上帝没有为它们而苦恼。God isn't stuck with them.

我捡起钥匙,放在口袋里。I stuck them in my pocket.

是你的红唇粘住我的一切。Your lips stuck me wholly.

有车子发动不起来了都是我来帮忙。I help cars that are stuck.

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他们以为我们被难住了。They thought we were stuck.

他的拉锁拉上一半时卡住了。Her zipper stuck halfway up.

我的汽车陷在泥里不能动弹。My car was stuck in the mud.

这枝箭射插在树上。The arrow stuck in the tree.

它们会沾到你的牙。They're stuck in your teeth.

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那支箭射在树上。the arrow stuck in the tree.

一根刺扎在了我的手上。A thorn stuck me in the hand.

可她还是被陷住。And yet she still felt stuck.