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安然转寄了一份该信函的复印件给上诉人。Enron forwarded a copy of that letter to petitioner.

上诉人要求对她生活费的命令的条件进行变更。The petitioner ask for a variation in her maintenance order.

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有能力的请愿者认为永久的动力是可爱的。The competent petitioner thinks the perpetual impetus is petty.

呈请人和答辩人均以喷鼻港为居籍。Both the Petitioner and the Respondent are domiciled in Hong Kong.

“波普”案的上诉人从其市府警察的工作上被解雇。The petitioner in Bishop had been fired from his job as a city policeman.

各领养人特此同意另一方对该孩童的收养行为。Each petitioner hereby consents to the adoption of the child by the other.

呈请人在婚姻期间没有生下其它仍然在生的子女。No other child now living has been born to the Petitioner during the marriage.

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呈请人已经或将会为答辩人提供妥当的经济援助。The Petitioner had made or will make proper financial provision for the Respondent.

她提出请愿人应该有权对公众阻碍提出赔偿要求。She submitted that the petitioner should be entitled to damages for public embarrassment.

她提出请愿人应该有权对公众阻碍提出赔偿要求。She submitted that the petitioner should be entitled to damages for the public embarrassment.

孟买最大商业协会孟买工商协进会也加入请愿。The Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the city's largest business association, joined as a petitioner.

当地一家法庭已经受理了德维威迪递交的关于给予那两位演员惩罚的诉状,同时宣布将会在12月11日听取起诉者的陈述。A local court accepted Dwivedi's petition to punish the actors and said it would hear the petitioner on December 11.

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大法官所要求的标准包括,例如,请愿者必须是“净手”而来。意思是说。These standards required by the Chancellor included, for example, that the petitioner must have come 'with clean hands'.

该法案呼吁,如果公益诉讼案失败或证实恶意,则告诉者应入狱和支付损害赔偿。It was urged that if a PIL petition failed or was shown to be mala fide, the petitioner should be put behind bars and pay the damages.

北京的上访村的声音响彻全世界,中共高官请认真倾听吧!And the senior official of the CPC do listen to the voices from the petitioner village of Beijing that have resounded through the world.

呈请人及答辩人均有权将该清单送交存档,并须述明每张有争议的选票的争议基础。Both the petitioner and the respondent are given the right to file such a list , stating the grounds of contention for each disputed ballot paper.

最后,法院拿着即使上访人被发现是为应答者“私人的人,”有关的州法律必需的一个摘要裁判。Finally, the court held that even if petitioner were found to be a "private person, " relevant state law required a summary judgment for respondents.

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第九十六条申请有错误的,申请人应当赔偿被申请人因财产保全所遭受的损失。Article 96 Where a petition is wrongfully made, the petitioner shall compensate the defending party for any loss incurred from the property preservation.

申请人败诉的,应当赔偿被申请人因先予执行遭受的财产损失。If the petitioner loses the lawsuit, he shall compensate the defending party whose property was preserved for any loss incurred from the advance enforcement.

行政公益案件诉讼主体缺位,国家和社会公共利益救济途径缺位,形成行政诉讼活动的盲点。The absence of petitioner of public benefits administration's litigation and of the way to lawing shape the blind spot of the activity of litigation of administration.