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这真是气死人了。This is exasperating.

这是一个棘手的难题。This is an exasperating problem.

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我们队失败了,真是气死人。Our team's failure is very exasperating.

俗话说,人比人,气死人。As the saying goes, than people, exasperating.

这对我来说真是一件难以容忍的事情。It was a confoundedly exasperating thing for me.

这是最让人丧气和憋气的地方。That will be most exasperating and discouraging.

永远不错的人总是最叫人生气的。Blameless people are always the most exasperating.

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然后我们又一次被带回到了那个停滞不前的境地,这简直气死人。And once again we’re brought back to our exasperating standstill.

“我受不了这种拉练了!”我真的很生气。"I'm getting tired of this drill! " I said. It was truly exasperating.

更可气的是,他还在我身上贴一些难看的图标,丑死了!Even more exasperating is the He has also posted me some ugly icons, ugly dead!

关于这次拒绝,那位姑奶奶一点也没在他外祖父跟前提起,怕他听了更加冒火。His aunt did not inform his grandfather of this refusal for fear of exasperating him.

如果汽车上很拥挤,公共汽车上电视里的“娱乐”节目更是气死人。If it's a crowded bus, the noise from this "entertainment" is even more exasperating.

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这些斗嘴的托尔斯泰们和他们夸张的表演真令人恼火。These squabbling Tolstoys and their stilted histrionics were conceited and exasperating.

当时饥饿、寒冷、苦难笼罩着俄国,这些使得民众激愤,革命的时机成熟了。Russia had reached the point of exasperating the masses and making them ripe for revolution.

手段是叫人气愤而且毫无把握的规劝说服和民主决策。It depends on exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making.

我们经常误以为训练和教导就是单纯的语言,其实这样只会激怒我们的孩子。We usually think of training and instruction as words, but words can end up exasperating our kids.

最气人的是,我订购的这款新车,目前已经停产。What most is exasperating , I order this model of new car, already suspended production at present.

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它依靠劝说和民主决策这些令人恼火且不可靠的方法来实现。It depends on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making.

当你很小心仔细的刮完胡子,却发现光滑的皮肤上出现一个个小的肿块,没有什么事情能比这个更让人抓狂的了。You work hard for that close shave. So it can be exasperating when small bumps mar your otherwise smooth skin.

尽量去做看起来简单的事,结果会发现也许这是最烦人的事。Trying to do something that looks so simple may well be the most exasperating thing you will ever attempt to do.