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喜剧演员比尔·伯尔如此说道。Comedian Bill Burr.

请转告芮莱·伯尔,说我想念她。Tell Lorelei Burr I miss her.

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阿伦。伯拉在1804年的决斗中杀了亚历山大。哈密尔顿。Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel in 1804.

他们观看了30分钟喜剧演员比尔.布尔表演的栋笃笑。Then they watched comedian Bill Burr do a 30-minute stand up.

在他那时代,他一直是当局的眼中钉,肉中刺。He had been a burr under the saddle of the government in his time.

现实的社会与人心如芒刺班扎在它得脊梁。Realistic society and will of the people like burr Ban Za in its back.

伯尔夜早已把各士兵步枪的子弹取去。Burr had removed the cartridges from each man's musket during the night.

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以“小舌音”为主要特点的苏格兰口音位列第三,这主要归功于男星肖恩•康纳利。In third place was the Scottish burr , made famous by actor Sean Connery.

采用卧式辊筒去屑机保证香口胶光滑无毛刺。Roller antidandruff horizontal plane to ensure no chewing gum smooth burr.

只有冬天的寒霜撕碎了坚果的芒刺,才能看到果实。The winter's forst must rend the burr of the nut before the fruit is seen.

只要冬天的寒霜撕碎了坚果的芒刺,才能看到果实。The winter's frost must rend the burr of the nut before the fruit is seen.

由于不会产生二次毛刺,避免了重复工作。No follow-up is necessary since it does not make any return or secondary burr.

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光白部份则把芒刺激完全磨去。Pure white was obtained by entirely effacing the burr and burnishing the plate.

我们供应的扩管器种类繁多,能够满足您对产品的要求。Burr Oak Tool Inc. has a wide variety of expanders to meet your production needs.

买了新书,小伯尔别提多高兴了,高高兴兴的回了家!Bought a new book, Small Burr indescribably more happy, and happily returned home!

小心的往后拉入颅线,扭结应处于单孔的底端。Carefully pull back the access line. The kink should be in the bottom of the burr hole.

介绍了无毛刺双面冲孔的原理及手把体模锻件双面冲孔的工作过程。The paper presents the principle of no burr double-faced striking hole and work process.

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通过观察焊瘤是否具有均匀分布的毛刺特征,可以初步判断顶锻参数的匹配效果。The matching effect can be observed by the fact whether the burr distribution is uniform or not.

在检测方面,防止或减少因毛刺存在使检测超差,废品增多。On inspecting aspect, the job is to prevent or reduce out-of-tolerance and reject due to the burr.

小伯尔真想吃一个香喷喷的面包,但他喜爱的新书在向他招手呢!Small Burr really want to eat a sweet-smelling bread, but his favorite new book, he beckoned to it!