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我退出了。I quit.

永不言弃。Never quit.

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所以他辞职了。So he quit.

我戒了酒。I quit drinking.

他决不能放弃不干。He will not quit.

你可不能打退堂鼓啊。You can't quit now.

别拐弯儿抹角了,你到底戒不戒烟?Will you quit or not?

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大概在93年的时候我放弃了。I quit that around '93.

她真应该戒烟的。She should quit smoking.

于是她决定辞职。So, she decided to quit.

你会辞了你的工作么?Would you quit your job?

离开,按「关闭」。To quit GOK, click Close.

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大多数人浅尝辄止。Most people quit too soon.

胜者知道什么时候改放弃。Winners know when to quit.

麦克白去!离开我的眼前!Avaunt , and quit my sight!

一群没出息的家伙,给我停手。A bunch of sissies, quit it.

我听说老吴辞职了。I heard Lao Wu quit his job.

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会服也到了,小陈你懂得。I wish I know how to quit U.

别胡扯了,好不好!Quit bullshitting, will you!

他是自己此致还是被解雇的?Was he fired or did he quit?