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那个邮差摇了摇头。The postman shook his head.

汤姆的工作是邮递员。Tom is working as a postman.

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邮递员天天来一次。The postman calls once a day.

邮差敲门咚咚咚。You can hear the postman knock.

我爸爸是一个邮递员,他工作很努力。My Dad is a postman. He woks hard.

那条狗咬伤了邮递员的腿。That dog bit the postman on the leg.

狗猛咬那流浪汉一口。The dog gave the postman a nasty bite.

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你的狗正追着邮差跑呢。Your dog is running after the postman.

李先生是一名邮递员。他是我们的邻居。Mr Li is a postman. He's our neighbour.

那个邮递员负责这条投递线路。That postman is in charge of this route.

我有个朋友最近做了邮差。One of my friend became a postman recently.

邮递员把信从门底下塞了进来。The postman stuck the letter under the door.

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我只收到一张邮差留下的通知。All I have is just a note left by the postman.

我们正在吃早饭时,邮递员叫门了。As we were having breakfast, a postman called.

那位邮差递送限时专送函。The postman delivered a special delivery letter.

邮差每天黎明前就得起床。The postman has to get up before dawn every day.

在中国邮递员都穿绿色制服。In China postman subdues all wearing green color.

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诱孑员到达时,我正要离开那所房子。When the postman arrived, I was leaving the house.

邮递员从他的厢式货车中出来,浑身湿透了。The postman emerged from his van soaked to the skin.

大厅里除了邮差和他的扫帚以外别无他人。The lobby is empty but for the postman and his broom.