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他们人员不足,而我们很好的利用了这一点。They were undermanned and we were able to take advantage of them.

“他们人手不足而我们恰好能够利用这个机会,”小拜说。"They were undermanned and we were able to take advantage of them, " Bynum said.

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去年缺兵少将的火箭队争取到了42胜40负,但无缘季后赛。The undermanned Rockets scrambled to a 42-40 record last year, and missed the playoffs.

第二场比赛,我们没有姚麦,而且因为板凳不够深,我们又一次体力透支了。The next game we didn't have Yao or Tracy and, once again, we ran out of gas because of being undermanned.

巴基斯坦的警察部队往往人员不足和缺乏武器装备,使他们很容易成为武装分子的目标。Pakistan's police forces are often undermanned and short on equipment, making them easy targets for insurgents. U.

但是,人员不足、武器装备不足的诺康却较轻易地控制了金三角周边的地区。But undermanned and underarmed, Naw Kham was able to take control of areas surrounding the Triangle with remarkable ease.

这个奖项通常用于奖励“用较少的资源换来了较好的成绩”,也就指是一支人员不整、伤病缠身的队伍却意外地获得了优秀的战绩。It usually becomes the more-with-less award, when a team has a surprisingly good season despite an undermanned or injury-depleted roster.

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湖人在前9分钟内被缺兵少将的快船打的一败涂地,要知道这尴尬的9分钟内加索尔和安猪都在场上哦。The Lakers were outplayed by the undermanned Clippers during the nine awkward minutes Gasol and Bynum were in the lineup at the same time.

拜纳姆在前两场场均32.5分,14.5个篮板,起码说,赛程过半,快船和华盛顿还是人员不整。Bynum has averaged 32.5 points and 14.5 rebounds the last two games, though the Clippers and Washington were undermanned in the middle, to say the least.

周日在令人不可思意的将曼宁和他的防守冠军小马以28比24击败后,他们将成为新英格兰夺得超级碗最大的障碍。By stunning Peyton Manning and the defending champion Colts 28-24 on Sunday, undermanned San Diego removed New England's biggest road block to the Super Bowl.

因此,邓尼茨很不高兴地准备这次捉襟见肘的行动,精心挑选舰长,命令他们在圣劳伦斯河和海特岬待命。Thus, Donitz grimly prepared for this undermanned operation by handpicking the captains and briefing them on their appointed positions in the Saint Lawrence River and off Cape Hatteras.

但是马刺教练波波维奇透露爱将乔治希尔在与湖人赛后受伤的右脚踝已经不能承受任何重量,这意味着马刺在接下来这一周时间里人手更加吃紧了。But Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said George Hill couldn't put any weight on his sprained right ankle after the game, which could mean San Antonio is further undermanned over the next week or so.

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毒枭发现西非的失败国家的港口没有巡逻,安全力量已经腐败而且人员不足,是完美的毒品中转地点。The narcotraffickers have found the failed states of West Africa, with their unpatrolled ports and corrupt and undermanned security forces, to be perfect transshipment points for their product.