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他们已准备妥当急切想出发。They are ready and raring to go.

她很想试试她那双新溜冰鞋。She is raring to try out her new skates.

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这些马都急不可耐地要飞跑起来。The horses were raring to have a gallop.

他总能搬出新玩意去娱悦小孩子。The children were raring to get out into the snow.

在国外呆了三个月后,我急切想回家了。After three months abroad I was raring to get home.

我儿子着急于想参加工作以帮家里一把。My boy was raring to go to work to help the family.

但是发展中国家仍然跃跃欲试。But developing countries are nevertheless raring to go.

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我现在要完全融入球队,我很渴望这样的。I am now fully integrated into the team and raring to go.

这是一次很好的休息,我已经重新点燃自己并且期望再次出发。I've had a good rest, I'm fired up and I'm raring to go again.

这场比赛对我来说很重要,我有点迫不及待了。It is important for me to start the game and I am raring to go.

等到我坐下来面对一张白纸,我已经迫不及待地想要动笔了。By the time I sit down and face the blank page I am raring to go.

亲爱的,快些,孩子们已坐在车里,早就急不可耐了。Hurry up, dear, the children are already in the car raring to go.

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现在,不管怎样,老板说英格兰人已经准备好了。Now, however, the boss says the Englishman is fit and raring to go.

当我们年轻人在一起踢球的时候我们总是全力以赴。When we youngsters get together and play, we're always raring to go.

印度和中国的制药公司都说他们渴望放手大干。There are companies across India and China who say they are raring to go.

如果您想获得一份夏日的清凉与闲适,快来与我相约吧!If you are raring for a cool summer with ease, come and date with me, honey!

“核动力蚂蚁”已经迫不及待想开始在都灵奥林匹克球场的新赛季征程了。The 'Atomic Ant' is raring to start the new campaign at the Stadio Olimpico.

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希望我们能够迎来每个人的回归,渴望赶上曼城的比赛。Hopefully we can get everyone back and raring to go ahead of the Man City game.

但我求战欲望强烈,状况也不错。所以我准备好接受检验。But I feel raring to go and in good condition so I'm ready for the rest of the run-in.

小伙子们都很期待,如果我们打得好我想就能拿下。The lads are all in good spirits and raring to go, and if we play well I think we'll win.