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我期望。I expect.

期待它。Expect it.

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你在期待什么?。What didy expect?

他们期待什么?What do they expect?

因为你期盼着这些。Because you expect it.

从不希求一声感谢。Never expect a thanks.

但是,你期待的是什么呢?But what do you expect?

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这就是他们的期望。That’s what they expect.

我们可以翘首期待。We can expect much more.

我期望见到我的舅舅。I expect to see my uncle.

那你又能指望怎么样呢?Well, what do you expect?

我可以多常期待听到您的?I expect to hear from you?

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我也没有期待他会。Nor would I expect him to.

请谈下你的月薪要求…?What salary do you expect?

我只是希望有免费的门票。I just expect free tickets.

我们期待他们撤军。We expect them to withdraw.

以为他很伤心You'd expect him to be sad.

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四忌期望过高。Four bogeys expect too much.

我们原以为它会在这里出现We expect it to sound there.

你希望我怎么做?What do you expect me to do?