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腮腺巨细胞病毒感染。CMV infection of parotid gland.

压盖填料压得太紧。Gland packing pressed too tightly.

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肺腺鳞癌是什么?。What is cancer of lobar gland scale?

细胞凋亡主要发生在浆液腺。Apoptosis mainly occurred in serous gland.

唾液是由外分泌腺分泌出来的。Saliva is secreted from the exocrine gland.

她的母亲肾上腺机能不全。Her mother has an underactive adrenal gland.

源自汗腺的上皮癌是罕见的。Eccrine carcinoma of the sweat gland is rare.

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其分泌腺属复管泡状腺。The secretory gland belongs to alveolate gland.

怎样快速消肿乳腺肿块?。Bump of mammary gland of how fast detumescence ?

小狗肾上腺素的升级效果被修正了。Zergling adrenal gland upgrade effects corrected.

切勿使用过大的压盖载荷来压挤盘根。Do not jam the packing by excessive gland loading.

填料函尺寸,数量,分布和电流请在订货时说明。The size, quantity, parcelling of cable gland and.

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乳腺增生不能喝蜂蜜水吗?。Cannot mammary gland hyperplasia drink honey water?

基米,你可以重新启动您的脑下垂体。With KIMI, you can reactivate your pituitary gland.

请问啊有人工泪腺的啊?Excuse me ah there is artificial lachrymal gland ah?

遇到乳腺增长,你会切除纤维瘤吗?Encounter mammary gland growth, can you excise fibroma?

她的巨人症是由脑垂体肿瘤引起的。Her gigantism is due to a tumor in her pituitary gland.

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万一我的眼泪腺不再让我哭,或掉出眼泪,怎麽办?What if the lachrymal gland didn't cry or drip anymore?

前列腺是一个只存在于男性体内的胡桃状的腺体。The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland found only in men.

出汗率决定于每个腺体输出的汗量。The sweating rate depends on the sweat output per gland.