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莱罗是一种传统。Lelo is a tradition.

这将成为我们的传统。This is becoming our tradition.

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三道茶是白族的一种饮茶习俗。It's a Bai ethnic tea tradition.

她从来不尊重传统。She's no respecter of tradition.

它仅仅是一个村庄的传统。It is simply a village tradition.

贵族行为理应高尚的传统。The tradition of noblesse oblige.

这个传统是怎么来的?How does this tradition come from?

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南传上座部传统的僧伽日。Sangha Day in Theravada tradition.

这项传统要追溯到1901年。This tradition dates back to 1901.

中国早期传统中的狐狸精Foxes in Early Chinese Tradition ‘4

她说这是老礼数。She said that was an old tradition.

斗牛是一项很古老的传统活动。Bullfighting is a very old tradition.

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在你家也开始学一次北欧传统吧。Start a Nordic tradition in your house.

这一习俗已经中止了。The tradition has fallen into abeyance.

一个非物质文化遗产的传统。The tradition of a non-material legacy.

古代希腊人有爱好运动竞技的传统。Ancient Greeks a sport-loving tradition.

火化遗体有违中国人的传统。Cremation was against Chinese tradition.

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我也是,吃团圆饭确实是个好传统。So did I. It is really a good tradition.

伊斯兰教有着傲人的宽容传统。Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.

红绒蛋糕是美国传统蛋糕口味。Red Velvet Cake is an American tradition.