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渴望是痛,思念也是一种痛。Ache is achy , miss is achy , too.

想念是一种重重的,有点疼痛的感觉。Missing you is a heavy, achy feeling.

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关节疼痛真的可以预测天气?Can achy joints really forecast the weather?

前一天夜里,Bishop感到疼痛和头晕。The night before, Bishop had felt achy and dizzy.

我嗓子疼得很厉害,并感到浑身疼痛。I have a terrible sore throat and I feel achy all over.

当秋风吹起,熊孤伶伶地在洞穴中,它因为鼻塞而感到头疼。Alone in his cave as the autumn wind blows, Bear feels achy with a stuffed-up nose.

我不能做一个最好的女人,但是我会做一个对你最好的女人!Missing you is a heavy, achy feeling. I don't like missing you. I want you right now!

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今朝一起身,我发现我右脚嘅脚踝居然无端端扭伤左。哗!只脚痛到吾识行。I found my right ankle was strained without reason when I woke up this morning, my foot was too achy to walk.

不仅仅是因为这可以缓解一下你干疼的皮肤,还因为这样的湿热可以将压力和紧张从你脸部缓解一下。Not only would it soothe dry achy skin, but the warm moisture also absorbs stress and tension from your face.

在比赛当天起床时,您不想由于社交和观光导致您双腿酸痛,双脚肿胀,或过度疲劳吧。You don't want to wake up on race morning with achy legs, swollen feet, or excess fatigue from socializing and sightseeing.

下面是目前流行的一般家庭疾病的可替代治疗方法,从治疗鼻塞到肌肉疼痛,以至到如何拔刺等等。Below is a list of current day alternative treatment suggestions to everything from stuffed noses to achy muscles to splinter removals.

当我很不舒服,感到很痛,卧病在床时我才明白自己以前和“感冒”做的斗争其对象都是着凉或上呼吸道疾病。I was so sick, achy and bedridden that I realized all my other bouts with “flu” were really just bad colds or upper respiratory infections.

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但是他们需要一些运动来唤醒他们的身体,特别是刚起床或感到不适的时候。But they do require some movement to introduce your body to running, especially if you've just rolled out of bed, it's cold out, or you're achy.