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希望我们合作愉快。I hoped we can cooperate happily.

协助处理公司行政事务。Cooperate to handle clerical work.

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祝愿我们合作愉快!Wish we cooperate the delectation!

你可以与生活对抗或与之合作。You can fight it or cooperate with it.

合作一起夹起食物!Cooperate and pick up the food together!

第五,协作者配合默契。Fifth , facilitators have a good cooperate.

美柯期待与您的合作!Meike , look forward to cooperate with you!

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天源信达期待与您合作,持续发展,共创双赢。We are looking forward to cooperate with you!

我决不会和这么自私的家伙合作。I will never cooperate with such a sel sh guy.

要想赢得比赛,我们就必须合作。We need to cooperate pefectly to win the game.

让我们一起来共襄盛举吧!Let us come, cooperate grand occasion together!

以诚信与服务赢得市场,让我们携手合作、互惠互利、共创双赢。Let's cooperate with each other and two-to-win.

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我们需要赢得这个游戏就得合作无间。We need to cooperate perfectly to win the game.

有些时候,人们也会通过合作来干坏事。And sometimes people cooperate to do bad things.

他不情愿地表示他愿和警方合作。He hesitated he would cooperate with the police.

希望和贵公司合作愉快。Hope to cooperate with your company succesfully.

华丰期待与您真诚的合作!Huafeng wishes to cooperate faithfully with you!

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但莫斯科坚决拒绝合作。But Moscow has steadfastly declined to cooperate.

配合洗碗机分配计量器使用。Cooperate with dishwasher distribution meter use.

热情欢迎社会各界人士携手合作,共展宏图。Warm welcome from all sectors come and cooperate.