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那挺不错的啊That's wonderful.

不管是荒野还是浓雾,它都是美妙的!It’s all wonderful.

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你看起来棒极了。You look wonderful.

五年大好时光了。Five wonderful years.

这是一种名茶。It was a wonderful tea.

我的家人可好了。My family is wonderful.

这是一个绝妙的故事。It is a wonderful story.

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湖泊奇妙无比。This lake was wonderful.

我个人认为这段文字写得太好了。It's a wonderful passage.

只是个金彩的时刻。It was a wonderful moment.

这汤味道好极了。The soup tastes wonderful.

他们对我好极了。They were wonderful to me.

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这是一个很好玩的游戏“This is a wonderful game."

夏夜是美妙的。Summer night was wonderful.

把茶壶精彩的茶。Teapots make wonderful tea.

这汤味道好极了。Thee soup tastes wonderful.

一寸时间一寸金。Time is a wonderful healer.

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你的笑容真美丽。You have a wonderful smile.

你真是一位出色的女主人。You’re a wonderful hostess.

科科是出色的伴侣。He is a wonderful companion.