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这样微妙的并列是不可避免的。The not-so-subtle juxtaposition is inescapable.

我记得当我第一次注意到这奇怪的排列组合时是如何震惊。I recall how this juxtaposition jarred when I first noticed it.

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温暖的空气和冰冷的河水突然合而为一,把我吓得魂飞魄散。The wrenching juxtaposition of warm air and cool water shocked me most.

Juxtaposition从法语输入,法国人用拉丁词造了这个词。Juxtaposition is a French import that was built in France out of Latin parts.

我真的很喜欢将图片环境和生活化的声音并置的方式。I really like the juxtaposition of the graphic environment and the lifelike sounds.

对偶通常是用平行的结构将相反的想法并列在一起。Antithesis is the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, usually in parallel structure.

图录详细记录和阐述了展出作品中古典与现代并置的意义。The juxtaposition of ancient and modern is well documented in the exhibition catalog.

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这一关键并列的价值和价值判断复发整个小说。This critical juxtaposition of value and value judgments recurs throughout the novel.

我理解当今反对把个人和社会并排一起的呼声的本质。I see the nature of the current crises in the juxtaposition of the individual to society.

把他们不同的策略并排放在一起,真是有趣而且受到启发。Their different tactics, side by side, made for a fascinating and revealing juxtaposition.

中非经济与货币共同体经济一体化的过程重叠了许多未完成的工作。The process of integration economic in zone CEMAC is a juxtaposition of unfinished constructions.

而且贯穿发布会的还有同等分的红宝石色,紫水晶色和翡翠色的天鹅绒。And throughout there was a juxtaposition of velvet in jewel colors of garnet, amethyst and emerald.

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如果从一个非专业的角度来看她的作品,我们看到的是科幻小说和父母养育的结合。A non professional look at her work reveals a stunning juxtaposition of science fiction and parenting.

真是一个很奇怪的组合,性感的裙子和军靴和机枪在一起。非常的“詹姆斯邦德”。What a strange juxtaposition of the sexy skirts and boots against the machine guns. Very James Bond, san.

类似于一个小城的布局,住宅一般的七栋坡屋顶体块并置排列组成了园区。Like a small county settlement, juxtaposition of seven house-like volumes with hipped roofs forms the campus.

在郁郁葱葱的花园中,两个堆高式的花槽,中间的方尖碑有桶型仙人掌围绕四周,形成奇妙的毗邻景致。Two raise planters with obelisks surrounded by barrel cacti are a wonderful juxtaposition in the lush garden.

什么使巴哈沙漠风景独一无二呢?What sets Baja apart from most other desert environments is the rather unique juxtaposition of desert and sea.

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这些照片齐聚一堂,不但显示卡蒂埃·布列松的题材广泛,还展现了他拍摄群像的才能。The juxtaposition of these images shows not just Cartier-Bresson’s range but also his gift for group portraits.

雅俗对举是清真词里运用的众多雅化方法中的一种,大概分为以词尾结句来衬全词和以下片衬上片而使全词趋雅。The juxtaposition of refined and popular words is one of many a method of refinement of ci poem of Qing dynasty.

我把这顶帽子拿在手里,心里却发愁,怕它戴在我光秃秃的头上会有不好的效果。This I carried in my hand, being assailed with misgivings as to its effect in juxtaposition to my hairless head.