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他有一头金发。He has blond hair.

简是一个性感的金发女郎。Jane is a buxom blond.

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简是一个高大而漂亮的金发女郎。Jane is a buxom blond.

你能帮我染成金发吗?。Could you make me a blond?

他脸色红润,头发金黄。He was all rosy and blond.

金发的女孩,那是罗莎莉。The blond girl, that's Rosalie.

这女孩梳着金黄色的长辫子。The girl has long blond braids.

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这个声音听上去有黄头发和高个子。The voice sounds blond and tall.

欢迎您的情况汇报,金发先生。Welcome to your debriefing, Mr. Blond.

深色的金发从头上披散下来。Dark blond hair springs from the scalp.

他的头发是金色的。我们的头发都是金色的。He has fair-haired. We have blond hair.

她长着漂亮的金黄色长卷发。She has beautiful long curly blond hair.

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她有着美丽的金发,十分可爱。She is so lovely with pretty blond hair.

你搞过金发的拉拉队员么?。You ever have sex with blond cheerleader?

噢,天啊,请帮我切成六块。" Oh, Godness! six, please. " said blond.

她很漂亮,她有褐色的眼睛和金色的头发.She's pretty.She has brown eyes and blond hair?

她是一个圆脸,大眼睛,皓齿长发的可爱的女孩。He is a tall man, with blue eyes and blond hair.

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这个白肤金发碧眼的男人每天早晨送报纸。This blond man delivers newspaper every morning.

但是,遗憾的是,长发公主必须用她的金发。But, alas, Rapunzel must make do with blond locks.

塔拉37岁,金色马尾辫,大大的蓝眼睛。Tara, 37, has a blond ponytail and huge blue eyes.