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在棱堡中人心焦虑。The anxiety in the redoubt was profound.

这两处街垒连在一道便构成一座真正的犄角堡。The two barricades united formed a veritable redoubt.

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麻厂街的棱堡,我们再重复一遍,内部看起来的确很镇定。The redoubt of the Rue de la Chanvrerie, we repeat, seemed very calm within.

也暴露出他信作为煽动者想从其流亡地,迪拜,就激起一场叛乱。It also exposed Mr Thaksin as a demagogue who is ready to incite a revolt from his Dubai redoubt.

西蒙斯皮措斯修道院是爱琴海上一座隐遁的堡垒,建于1257年,海拔800英尺。Redoubt of the reclusive, Simonos Petras monastery was founded in 1257 more than 800 feet above the Aegean Sea.

当马吕斯抱着伽弗洛什走进棱堡时,他象那孩子一样,脸上也是鲜血淋淋。When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms,his face, like the child, was inundated with blood.

韩开始训练德鲁,二人建立起了深厚的友谊,并且携手准备与程在比武场上一决胜负。Korea began training drew, two people set up a deep friendship, and hand in hand to mock court process in a redoubt.

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在去年最近的一次火山爆发期间,联邦航空局在堡垒火山附近划出了一块无飞行区域。The Federal Aviation Administrationimposed a no-fly zone around Mt. Redoubt during an eruption as recentlyas last year.

这座被用来抵御法国国王的战略工事是由当年英格兰第一勇士、诺曼底公爵理查德主持建造的。It was built by Richard the Lion-Hearted—King of England and Duke of Normandy—as a strategic redoubt against the king of France.

在港务局公共汽车总站——那个皮条客的老堡垒一个街区以外的商务建筑中,"OK丘比特"的办公室独占一个楼层。OK Cupid’s office occupies a single floor of an office building a block away from the Port Authority Bus Terminal, that old redoubt of pimps.

纵队被迫退却后又在街上密集,他们已没有掩护,但很可怖,他们用骇人的排枪向棱堡还击。The column, forced to retreat, remained massed in the street, unprotected but terrible, and replied to the redoubt with a terrible discharge of musketry.

无论你怎么称呼它们,火山口附近的小火花可能还是有好处的,并没有参与堡垒火山的研究的乌曼补充道。No matter what you call them, the tiny sparks near volcanoes' vents may offer a safety benefit, added Uman, who was not involved in the Redoubt Volcano study.

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他刚跑进战壕,就有一个又瘦又黄、汗流满面,身穿制服,手持军刀的人,喊叫着向他冲过来。He had hardly run up into the redoubt when a thin man with a yellow, perspiring face, in a blue uniform, ran up to him with a sword in his hand, shouting something.

贝尼格森在突角堡停下来,向前眺望那昨天还属于我们的舍瓦尔金诺多面堡,看得见那儿几个骑马的人。Bennigsen halted at the earthworks, and looked in front at the redoubt of Shevardino, which had been ours the day before. Several horsemen could be descried upon it.

然而依靠先进的探测仪器和两个多月的努力工作,才使研究人员最后确认了最近在美国阿拉斯加的里道特火山爆发时,火山顶上所出现的极为微小的闪电。But advanced instruments and a two-month heads-up allowed researchers to finally confirm the "teeny little sparks" during a recent eruption of Alaska's Redoubt Volcano.