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乌鸫一定在飞翔。The blackbird must be flying.

也有一个黑鸟窝在那里。Another blackbird nest is there too.

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黑鹂坐在雪松枝干上。The blackbird sat In the cedar-limbs.

有一只画眉在花园里。There is a ' blackbird in the garden.

一只画眉鸟在枝头歌唱。A blackbird was warbling from the branch.

你觉得“飞翔燕子”让你满意么?Are you satisfied with the Blackbird fly?

在异常的寂静中,一只画眉鸟啼叫着。In the utter silence a blackbird shouted.

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一个男人加一个女人加一只黑鸟等于一。A man and a woman and a blackbird Are one.

黑鹂的阴影在其间来回穿越。The shadow of the blackbird Crossed it, to and fro.

一只黑鸟飞下来,咬断了她的鼻子!When, down came a blackbird who snapped off her nose!

一只山鸟的晚歌打断了他的遐想。A blackbird broke in on his reverie with an evening song.

SR-71黑鸟是世界上飞行最快的有人驾驶飞机。The SR-71 Blackbird is the fastest airplane in the world.

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泰罗尔军事长用谁的名字命名了黑鸟秘密战斗机?。By whom was Chief Tyrol's Blackbird stealth fighter named?

一只乌鸫飞下来,停在他窗外的矮墙上。A blackbird flew down and perched on the parapet outside his window.

然而,我要说,幸运的虫鸟儿会有一只山鸟为他抓虫子吃。However, the lucky ones have a blackbird to catch the worm for them.

您没看见黑鹂么?它正在你身旁女人的脚边转悠。Do you not see how the blackbird Walks around the feet Of the women about you?

北美产的燕八哥,和牛在一起并在其他鸟类的巢中下蛋。North American blackbird that follows cattle and lays eggs in other birds' nests.

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在歌中,猎人将自己比作鹿所钟爱的美丽山鸟。In this song, the hunter likens himself to the beautiful blackbird loved by the deer.

在山鸟类的手枪上的雷射视力让我知道,正如他拉板机。The laser sight on the Blackbird 's pistol lets me know that just as he pulls the trigger.

你总能从黑鸟身上发现新的东西,因为每一架黑鸟都是独一无二的。The Blackbird always showed us something new, each aircraft possessing its own unique personality.