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如有,请各附复印件一份。If yes, attach a copy.

把提手柄装到箱子上去。Attach the handle to the box.

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请给包裹打上标签。Plase attach label to parcel.

请勿连接在童床或游戏围栏上。Do not attach to crib or playpen.

把这个签条系在你的行李上。Attach this label to your luggage.

所以,也许另一个钠也会有联系。So, maybe another sodium will attach.

请你把所有的包上都系上标签。Please attach labels to all your bags.

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附加星等标签到光亮恒星?Attach magnitude labels to bright stars?

对此不要有什么奢望。Don't attach any extravagant hope to it.

我认为这消息具有重大意义。I attach great significance to the news.

我们举个实例吧,好吗We attach a probability to an event. OK?

把邮票贴在信封上寄出去。Attach a stamp to the envelop and mail it.

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用螺丝钉把鞋撑固定在书本上。Attach the stand to the book using screws.

把邮票贴在信封上然后寄出去。Attach a stamp to the envelope and mail it.

请申请部门附带此项活动的流程表!Please attach the flow chart of this event!

贝类通常附着于岩石上。Shellfish usually attach themselves to rocks.

中国不依附任何大国。China will not attach itself to any big power.

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现付上本人香港身分证副本一份。I attach a copy of my Hong Kong Identity Card.

请申请部门附带此项活动的流程表!Please attach the flowing chart of this event!

然后用绳子把它们系好挂到树上去。Then attach a string and hang it in the trees.