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明星煌煌。The stars are sparkling.

是一款令人愉悦的起泡酒。It is an enjoyable sparkling wine.

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他正在喝起泡沫的酒。He was drinking the sparkling wine.

我们希望看见一条干净的波光鳞鳞的河。We want to see the river sparkling clean.

黑比诺也可以生产良好的气酒。Pinot Noir also makes good sparkling wine.

产品晶莹剔透具有水晶般感觉。Products with a sparkling crystal-feeling.

来自皮尔蒙特的清甜型汽酒。Semi-dry white sparkling wine from Piedmont.

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在她晚礼服上的宝石闪闪发亮。The rhinestones on her long dress are sparkling.

白葡萄汽酒是穷人的香槟。Sparkling white wine is the poor man's champagne.

纯正绿色上闪着金褐色光芒。Sparkling gold-brown with subtle accents of green.

她的眼睛就乡水晶一样,美丽而又充满盈光。Her eyes are like crystals, beautiful and sparkling.

赠送香槟一瓶,及婚礼蛋糕一个。A bottle of sparkling wine and wedding cake for free.

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无论厕所还是猫都会干净的闪闪发光。Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.

当星星不眨眼,你将为它闪耀。When sparkling stars twire not thou gild'st the even.

干湿两用眼影、晶璨光感。Dry-wet double use eye shadow, sparkling and shinning.

哦,我知道,音乐很美妙,就像闪著微光的红酒。Oh, I know, That the music's fine. Like sparkling wine.

发泡葡萄酒需要二次发酵作用。Sparkling wine undergo a second alcoholic fermentation.

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海平静安稳,在阳光下波光粼粼。The sea, tranquil and smooth , was sparkling in the sun.

这款闪烁的手镯突显您纤巧的手腕。This sparkling bangle lends your wrist a delicate touch.

来宾们将手举含羞草香槟为这对新人干杯。Guests will toast the royal couple with sparkling mimosas.