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经过一连串充满敌意的争吵,交易泡汤了。The deal ended after a series of rancorous disputes.

他的讲话是对年轻人满怀敌意的狂暴攻击。His speech was a bilious, rancorous attack on young people.

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美国关于医疗改革的争论已经变得情绪化了。The debate in America over health-care reform turned rancorous.

因此,奥巴马的预算更像是在艰难的、恶意的谈判下公开招标。Accordingly, Obama’s budget is more of an opening bid in a tough, rancorous negotiation.

“行啊,”他总是这么简单地回答一句。他早就厌倦这类怨气冲冲的话题了。"All right, " was his only reply. He had long since wearied of discussing the rancorous subject.

其中最大的一次是1999年它向市场发行自己的股份。此前,合伙人之间时常伴随激烈而怨愤的口角。The biggest was its own flotation in 1999, after years of often rancorous debate among the partners.

巴基斯坦与美国关系的交恶早已为世人所知。Pakistan's brittle relationship with the United States, its major donor, has turned openly rancorous.

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这些都是棘手的问题,在一个争吵不休的多党议会里,更是如此。These are tricky matters, especially for a minority government in a rancorous and partisan parliament.

但是近年来这些加强的党派关系已经使得参议院对政党按派系投票的态度变得更仇视和苛刻了。But the heightened partisanship of recent years has turned that chamber more rancorous and prone to party-line voting.

这时候美国国内对伊拉克的支持下降,总统和反对者领导的国会又在战争经费问题上相持不下。S. domestic support for the war effort in Iraq and a rancorous standoff between President Bush and the opposition-led U. S. Congress over war funding.

年,由于关系破裂,芬克离开百仕通,创办了自己的公司黑岩,将其对于神秘融资的理解与他对人天生的理解结合在一起。In 1995, in a rancorous split, Mr Fink left to establish BlackRock, his own firm, combining an understanding of ar-cane finance with an intuitive understanding of people.

在参议院,多数党领袖里德称,整个充满恶意的过程使他丝毫不能感到自豪,但是他将该法案作为美国民主制度良好运作的典范。In the Senate, the Majority Leader Harry Reid said he was not proud of the rancorous process that led to it, but he held it up as an example of American democracy at work.

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而美国呢,恰恰相反,仿佛一夜之间突然就变得那么衰老、虚弱,美国整个国家的状态仍然处于一种畏缩模式,经济潦倒、两党政治对立如前。The U. S. , by contrast, seems suddenly older and frailer. America's national mood is still in a funk, its economy foundering, its red-vs. -blue politics as rancorous as ever.

今年夏季,欧洲金融危机和华盛顿有关债务上限的激烈争论严重打击了复苏进程中许多消费者、企业和投资者的信心。During the summer, Europe's financial woes and the rancorous debt-ceiling debate in Washington badly damaged the confidence of many consumers, companies and investors in the recovery's footing.