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我厌倦了她那幼稚的行为。I'm tired of her infantile behavior.

让我一个人幼稚的待会儿。Permit me to be infantile by myself.

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婴儿伤风感冒怎么办?How does cold of infantile catch a cold do?

禁止溺婴、婴和其他残害婴儿的行为。Some infantile actions survive into adulthood.

很明显他在通过性爱来满足年轻的需求。Clearly he's using sex to meet infantile needs.

珠儿生来便是那婴孩天地的弃儿。Pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world.

有什么办法改变他这种幼稚的行为吗?Is there a way to remedy this infantile behaviour?

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因为有婴儿肉毒杆菌中毒的危险,蜂蜜不能用于1岁以下的婴儿。Honey can't be used in children under 1, due to risk of infantile botulism.

小婴儿菌痢常易与婴儿腹泻混淆。Bacterial dysentery in children was always confused with infantile diarrhea.

小儿缺铁性贫血会影响三分之一的全球人口质量。Infantile iron deficiency anemia affects up to one-third of global populous.

她长得轻盈秀气,白净秀气的脸上还保留着婴儿般最初的单纯。She was slight and delicate, with infantile purity in her fair and clear face.

新型小儿灌肠器,属于医疗用具技术领域。A novel infantile enemator belongs to the technical field of medical equipment.

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他在过去的几年中频频来这里治疗小儿麻痹。He had been there frequently in past years for treatment for infantile paralysis.

掌握遗尿、疳积的针灸治疗方法。Master the acupuncture treatment of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition.

目的探讨冷冻治疗小儿血管瘤的有效性。Objective To investigate the effectiveness of cryotherapy for infantile hemangioma.

在此,在婴儿行径稍微暗示一下,成熟的人格又重新府浮现。Here, at the slightest hint of infantile behavior, the mature personality resurfaces.

每次她在勾引男人后,就让婴儿吸干男人精血。Every time she is after accost man, let blood of essence of life of infantile blot man.

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婴儿痉挛症是一种好发于婴儿时期的难治型痫样脑病。Infantile spasm is a severe epileptic encephalopathy that is quite specific to infancy.

喜保宁被FDA指定为用于治疗婴儿痉挛的稀少药品。Sabril was designated as an orphan drug by the FDA for use in treating infantile spasms.

他们发现基因上的一个细微的改变使得儿童更容易形成自闭症。They have found that children will become infantile autism from a littel change of gene.