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哇,快看那块大石头。Wow, look at that boulder.

它可以一下就粉碎一块巨石。It can pulverize a boulder in one strike.

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圆石城是狗的天堂。Boulder is an extremely dog-friendly place.

你无从知道下一个大石头下会有什么。You never know what's under the next boulder.

一块巨大的圆石堵住了山洞的入口。A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave.

古时候,一位国王将一块巨石放在路上。In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway.

一块石头从山上滚下,险些把车砸坏。A boulder rolled down the slope and narrowly missed the car.

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炮弹投掷和蒸汽锤击不再共享冷却时间。The Hurl Boulder and Ram effects no longer share a cooldown.

来自位于博尔德科罗拉多大学的卡尔•德鲁斯带领这项研究。Carl Drews of the University of Colorado at Boulder led the study.

在随后的两个小时内,一块又一块的圆石落在地上。In the next two hours, boulder after boulder crashes to the ground.

我喜欢自已动手挖掘。你无从知道下一个大石头下会有什么。I like digging myself. You never know what's under the next boulder.

博尔德高中的颇具特点的参赛菜肴是令人食欲大开的牛肉椰菜丝。Boulder High School's entry featured savory beef and shredded cabbage.

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在她的心里潜伏着一个深渊,扔下巨石也发不出声音。She lurks in the hearts of an abyss, dropped boulder also unable voices.

然后我们看到一座桥下横躺着一块大石头。And we saw this big flat boulder underneath a bridge and so we said, 'OK.

冷冻从心术学会,科罗拉多河,加州理工学院成帧器。Freeze-Framer from the Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, California.

他被葬于绿河公墓中,用一块大圆石作为他的墓碑。His is buried in Green River Cemetery and a large boulder marks the spot.

在我的心里潜伏着一个深渊,扔下巨石也发不出声音。I lurks in the hearts of an abyss, also dropped boulder payment of voices.

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当他看见陡崖上的一个棱角闪过眼前时,他一把攫住了它。As he saw the corner of the steep boulder flash past, he seized hold of it.

然后,在第38个小时,他把一块大石头拖开,听见了他的儿子的声音。Then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a boulder and heard his sons' voice.

成都郫县润达再生资源回收有限公司…Haul Away Recycling deconstruction company serving Boulder County, Colorado.