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读书是一种静态的学习,旅游则是动态的行动力与无穷的潜力。But while learning from books is static, travel is dynamic and boundlessly fruitful.

实体经济的竞争力越来越小,虚拟经济无限膨胀。The real economy competition is more and more small , virtual economy expands boundlessly.

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炫耀,只是将现有的某种东西无限放大来遮掩内心空虚的一种表现。Flaunt is just a display which enlarge something boundlessly to gloss over the void in heart.

可是眼睛却认为自己的视野还是有限,不像心,念头一转,就海阔天空,无远弗届。However, eyes think that their field is bound and mind is the greatest. Mind flashes boundlessly far away.

一个微笑微不足道但却回报丰厚,它使你和他人感觉到无限美好。A smile seems insignificant but it can be quite rewarding, which can make you and others feel boundlessly amazing.

我是一个很寂寞的人,心情不好时有无边无际的,天涯海角的,一望无际的,满满当当的寂寞。I am a very lonely person, feel blue occasionally boundlessly , the ends of the earth, endless, full to the brim loneliness.

他以惊人的破坏力摧毁了传统的美学体系,无限扩大了艺术表现的空间。He has destroyed the system of traditional aesthetics and expanded the space which art shows boundlessly by his astonishing destructive power.

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上海,这座开放的大都市中人欲横流、竞争激烈、弱肉强食,它一直都是中国九年制义务教育的领头羊。And Shanghai, an open and cosmopolitan city that is boundlessly ambitious and fiercely competitive, has always been China's K-9 education leader.

人越是缺少什么,就越是爱炫耀什么。炫耀,只是将现有的某种东西无限放大来遮掩内心空虚的一种表现。The more a person parades something, the more he wants it. Flaunt is just a display which enlargs something boundlessly to gloss over the void in heart.

形式的生命化特征使文学作品具有浓郁的生命感,从而产生无穷的艺术魅力。The life characteristics of form makes literature works filled with full-bodied life sense. Accordingly the works are full of boundlessly artistic charm.

所以,赤裸裸的窗口不引人注意,而一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探猜测,生出无限兴趣。Thus a window fully open doesn't attract attention, whereas a curtain with a fluttering corner arouses curiosity and conjecture, boundlessly tantalizing.

贯彻师弟之道时,能够使秘藏于我们生命中的智能和力量无限发挥出来。When we steadfastly dedicate ourselves to the path of mentor and disciple, we can boundlessly manifest the wisdom and power that is inherent in our life.

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奋斗要努力到底,只要大家心中燃起要“努力到底”的精神,SGI将会无限发展。To engage in a struggle is to exert oneself to the fullest extent. As long as our hearts continue to burn with this spirit, the SGI will develop boundlessly.

我想我没有答案,只能说我们依然在追求答案,或者无限趋近于答案的回答。I think that I do not have an answer , can only criticize us as before in running after an answer , tend towards or the answer bordering on an answer boundlessly.

肯定说完全肯定犯罪所得物的替代物的赃物性质,使本罪处罚范围过于扩大。The positive theory completely approves the booty quality of the substitute articles of things accepted by crimes, and consequently the punishable range is expanded boundlessly.

艺术家们开拓传统甚至禁锢的文化眼界,积极创新、无疆探索,让当代水墨艺术散发出更为广阔的时代魅力。Artists develop the traditional and imprisoned culture vision, innovate positively, explore boundlessly , so that contemporary ink and wash painting exudes a broader periodic charm.

如果在旅途中发掘乐趣,那么过程就成了重点,而且将是一个人终身的、受用无穷的终点。If you seek for pleasure in the course of the journey, the course will become a destination, and what's more, it will be a prolonged, boundlessly beneficial destination for all your life.

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此外,非面对面的线上讨论区设计为一般课室教学注入学习之活水,研究生们能逐渐摆脱原有身为教师的束缚,不分彼此的提出自己的想法。Further, the instructional design of "non-face-to-face" online discussions successfully helped these teachers to share their ideas freely, where more learning opportunities were created boundlessly.

这朦胧的桔红的光,实在照不了多远,但这小姑娘的镇定、勇敢、乐观的精神鼓舞了我,我似乎觉得眼前有无限光明!In truth, the dim orange light could not reach very far. However, the little girl's calmness and courage, and her optimism, made me feel as though the way in front of me was boundlessly illuminated.

天籁般的歌声在混沌的空间中无限的蔓延,如同似黑色的墨水中滴入了一滴殷红的鲜血,搅动了一阵心痛。The sound of singing as sounds of nature spreads boundlessly in chaotic space, like being like drop, having entered one drop of blackish red blood , having stirred a fit cardiodynia in the black ink.