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对于恢复,重做日志是必需的。Redo logs are needed for recovery.

您不必重新编写整个应用程序。You do not have to redo the entire application.

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如果您使用的新模式,重做你的Tx校准。If you use the new modes, redo your Tx Calibration.

她批评了这名男生,并要求他重做一篇读后感。She admonished the boy and asked him to redo his entry.

这个魔法的中心是撤销和重做的能力。At the heart of this magic is the ability to undo and redo.

防止出现超越某一时间点前滚的归档重做日志的丢失。Lost of archived redo logs preventing a roll forward beyond that point

如果没有打开归档器,那么需要对重做日志进行手动归档。Manual archive of redo logs will be required if this is not turned on.

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让你的父母陪你去参观一下,再做决定吧。The parents that lets you accompanies you to look around redo decides.

在重做日志记录达到缓冲区的三分之一。The redo log buffer is one-third full or contains 1 MB of buffered data.

我们必须找一家室内装潢公司来整修厨房。We will need to find an interior decorating company to redo the kitchen.

其中包括语句缓存、重做日志缓冲区和数据缓冲区缓存。Examples include statement cache, redo log buffers, and data buffer cache.

我想重做这张海报,但约翰与玛丽却认为这样就已经够好了。I want to redo this poster, but John and Mary think it's good enough as it is.

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Journaling日志通过预写式的Redo日志为MongoDB增加了额外的可靠性。Journaling adds additional durability to MongoDB through write-ahead redo logs.

人们翻新旧屋,或者改造厨房,浴室等部分People put new additions on or they redo the kitchen and bathroom and whatever.

婷邀荣率原班人马过档其新公司,再做丰经理人。D. invite rong rate run its original centaur new company, redo abundant managers.

五年级B班的同学们也重做了月考试卷,而且第二次的考试成绩也非常好。The grade 5B students also rewrote the monthly exam and also did well on the redo.

如果它的希望落空,就会再次检索值,并重做递增计算。If it is wrong, it has to fetch the value again and redo the increment computation.

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一旦数据库装载后,数据库就能从主库接收归档重做日志。Once mounted, the database can receive archived redo data from the primary database.

对于联机备份数据文件,这将导致生成大量的重做日志。This will result in enormous redo logs to be generated for online backup data files.

您还应该尽量将索引和重做日志与您的数据分开保存。You should also try to keep indexes and redo logs off the same volumes as your data.