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发展了乙醇作为一种无毒的还原剂。Here, ethanol is developed to be nontoxic reductant.

氮仅仅是窒息剂,认为是无毒的。Nitrogen is a simple asphyxiant and considered nontoxic.

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它们已习惯了大型无毒动物,如狼和熊。They're used to large nontoxic animals, like wolves and bears.

如果老鼠体重没有减轻,它就被认为是无毒的。If the mice did not lose weight, it was presumed to be nontoxic.

产品无毒无刺激性气味、拨毛效率高、可重复使用。The product is nontoxic , efficient depilatory and recycled usage.

THP盐是一种以低毒、无污染的具有羟甲基磷结构的化合物。THP salt is a nontoxic phosphor compound without environment pollution.

结论薰香疗法是一种安全,简单而无毒性的方法。Conclusion Medical lavender therapy is a simple, safe and nontoxic method.

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所制胶粘剂对SBS材料和皮类材料具有良好的粘接效果。The adhesive is nontoxic and has excellent peel strength to SBS materials and leather.

硫代硫酸盐是一种能替代氰化物的最有应用前景的无毒浸金试剂。Thiosulfate is a promising and nontoxic lixiviant replacing cyanide for leaching gold.

他将鱼养在黑色的牛槽内,这些牛槽已证明耐用且无毒。He houses the fish in black cattle troughs, which have proved to be sturdy and nontoxic.

因此,家长需要,以确保他们的玩具盒,是涂层与完成是无毒。Therefore, parents need to ensure that their toy box is coated with a finish that is nontoxic.

在这种基础上,孟山都公司为首的草甘膦生产商声称,草甘膦对人类与动物安全无毒。On that basis, the manufacturers claim that glyphosate is safe and nontoxic for humans and animals.

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提出了简便、快速、无毒害的磷、砷联测方法。A simple, rapid and nontoxic method for combintd determination of phosphorus and arsenic is presented.

该电池的液体甚至是无毒的——去年为证明这一点,比亚迪的总裁王传福喝了一些。The battery's fluid is even nontoxic -- CEO Wang Chuan-Fu famously drank some last year to demonstrate.

大不列颠哥伦比亚温哥华岛沿岸,无毒的染料包围了一只海胆。A nontoxic dye highlights water currents surrounding sea urchins off Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

它无毒低价,而且有液体所达不到的扩散特性。It was nontoxic and inexpensive, and it had wonderful diffusion qualities that the liquids couldn’t match.

植酸是从粮食作物中提取的有机磷酸化合物,它是天然的无毒化工产品。Phytic acid, a natural nontoxic chemical, is a kind of organic phosphate compound extracted from foodstuff.

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本实用新型涉及一种家禽类饲养自动饮水器。The utility model relates to an automatically drinking device for fowls, which is made of nontoxic plastics.

土壤重金属污染的植物修复是治理污染土壤的重要手段之一。Phytoremediation of heavy metal polluting soil is one of the important way to make soil contaminant nontoxic.

目的表达白喉毒素无毒变异体CRM197,并考察其载体作用。Objective To express the nontoxic mutant CRM197 of diphtheria toxin and study its effect as a carrier protein.