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打太极拳的好处是很多。Shadowboxing is good for many things.

我打太极拳,有时我也看足球。I play shadowboxing , sometimes football too.

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妈,他们这是在打拳吗?The mother, their this is in the shadowboxing ?

爷爷喜欢在公园里空敞的地方打太极拳。Grandpa likes shadowboxing in spacious places in the park.

在南京持续打的就是这样令人眼花缭乱的太极拳。Such was the fascinating shadowboxing that went on at nanking.

每天早上公园里有些老人在练习太极拳。Every morning in the park there are some old people practicing Shadowboxing.

以上说明,太极拳对中枢神经系统起了良好的作用。Described above, shadowboxing on the central nervous system played a good role.

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这一学期,我们主要学习了二十四式太极拳中的十一式动作,分别是。In this halves, we mainly learned 11 forms of 24 forms shadowboxing . They are.

学练太极拳的目的,除了学习它最基本的动作外,更重要的是为了提高自身的健康水平。The aim of learning shadowboxing is to grasp the basic skills and improve the health.

一些人练习太极拳和剑术而其他人练习跑步、慢跑、散步或跟随着音乐跳舞。Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, jog, walk or dance to music.

有的打太极拳,有的练习舞剑,有的跑步,有的慢跑,有的散步,有的配合着音乐跳舞。Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, jog, walk or dance to music.

一些采访和简短的柔韧性热身之后,瓦雷罗跳上拳台开始空拳练习。After some interviews and a little stretching, Valero hopping the ring for some shadowboxing.

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通过分析发现,太极拳运动不仅是一种体育锻炼活动,同时也是一项团体性较强的社会活动。This article finds that shadowboxing exercise are both a kind of sports and a social activity.

并为太极拳作为人体健康的绿色运动方式提供实践依据。And for shadowboxing provides the practice basis as the green sports method of human body health.

打拳健身的,引吭高歌的,晨曦下到处是中老年游客的身影。Do shadowboxing fitness, sing joyfully in a loud voice, dawn of older tourists are everywhere on the scene.

气功偏静,还应配合其它体育疗法如太极拳、健身操等。Qigong slants static, still should cooperate other sports therapy to wait like shadowboxing , setting-up exercise.

如果你的压力反应是愤怒,那么拳打脚踢极为有利健康,即便你只不过是在装模作样。If your stress reaction is anger, punching and kicking are wonderfully salubrious, even if you're just shadowboxing.

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太极拳是中华民族武术文化中独具特色,且有着极其深厚哲学思想内涵的拳种瑰宝。The Shadowboxing is the treasure of Chinese martial art with special properties and very meaning content of philosophy.

这个任务使得西方国家和俄罗斯之间持续了20年之久的太极拳般的争斗退居幕后,取而代之的是一场“大赌局”,而中国现在则剑指桂冠。That quest has displaced a two-decades-long shadowboxing match between the West and Russia -- a "Great Game" China is now poised to win.

太极拳运动时心肌耗氧量增加、血液粘度升高、冠脉缺血阈值降低。But myocardium oxygen consumption and blood viscosity increases and the threshold of myocardial ischemia falls during doing shadowboxing.