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不要误解我的意思。Do not misunderstand me.

嘿,您别误会。Hey, don't misunderstand me.

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他们假装听错了我的话。They pretended to misunderstand me.

他们经常对彼此产生误解。They often misunderstand each other.

你们可能有人会误解我的问题。Some of you may misunderstand what I'm asking.

不要错误理解这个问题,这一点很重要。Again it's important not to misunderstand that question.

她不再害怕他们会误解她了。She no longer feared that they should misunderstand her.

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他们误解了组织冲突的本质。They misunderstand the nature of organizational conflict.

可能一些人误认为我是个唯利是图的人。Some people may first misunderstand me as a money-grabber.

你有可能误解这个设计吗?Is there any possibilty to somehow misunderstand the design?

你误解他的计划了。就计划本身来说还是好的。You misunderstand his plan. The plan is quite good in itself.

她再三解释,惟恐大家误会了她。She explained again and again lest others should misunderstand her.

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请妈妈以后把话说明白一点,不要让我半懂不懂。Mum should make her words clear so that I will not misunderstand her.

忽略其中的任何一类或一项依据,对于现代公正的理解都会流于偏颇。It may misunderstand modern justice if we ignore any one of the bases.

我们也时常这样,有时,我们误解了神,不明白神的话。That can happen to us as well. Sometimes we misunderstand God and His Word.

当然我们还是要小心,不要弄混问题。Of course again we've got to be careful not to misunderstand what's being said.

芬斯特说,“我认为我自己是一个讲究实际的人。"I think people misunderstand being conservative for being biased, " says Pfingst.

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不管怎么说,只把焦点放在美国和中国身上是对问题本质的误解。Anyway, to focus on America and China is to misunderstand the nature of the problem.

他们知道动物权益保护者将说什么——而且坚持说他们将会误解。They know what the animal-rights people will say — and insist they will misunderstand.

我这样做是为了让你看清所谓的「压力」从何而起的,你才不会对此需求产生误解。I am doing this so that you might know what the pressure is, and not misunderstand the need.