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布雷恩·布莱克先生已经到了。Mr Brian Black is here.

布里安主修经济。Brian majored in economics.

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布赖恩把水灌到罐子里。Brian puts water into the jar.

完全是典型的布莱恩•霍尔式演说。It's a classic Brian S Hall rant.

我们再来推几个球吧。Let's hit a few more here, Brian.

布来恩要给乔许一个大惊喜!Brian has a big surprise for Josh!

丹只会用诈术来赢。我要投布莱恩一票。I'm going to vote for Brian instead.

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布来恩,你正在下足球赛的赌注吗?Are you doing the football pools, Brian?

布瑞恩也开始说对老板不好的话语。Brian also starts to bad-mouth the boss.

布莱安和克利斯在小帆船里吵架。Brian and Chris had a brawl in the yawl.

班迪特站定,而布莱恩退后。Bandit stops moving, and Brian backs off.

这就是边边!而我们无所畏惧!This is Brian Pien and we are not afraid!

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上周我看到你布莱恩吻你.Last week I saw you leting Brian kiss you.

您以前怀布莱安和路西亚也恶心吗?Did you vomit when you have Brian and Lucia?

“我可以推你吗,戴比?”布莱恩问道。"Can I give you a push, Debbie?" asks Brian.

为什麽布来恩突然间花了那麽多钱?Why is Brian suddenly spending so much money?

我希望布莱恩能在某天参观河北。I hope Brian can visit Hebei Province some day.

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准备让触及六个月与布赖恩拉腊2008年。Prepare to get hit for six with Brian Lara 2008.

布莱恩·泰尔现在将会带给你一些真正感兴趣的答案。Some really interest answers now from Brian Tyer.

在工作室的布吉,这是布赖恩刘易斯和我自己。At The Bougie Studio, it is Brian Lewis and myself.