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这一功能的一个核心部件就是一顶有博格人般的镜片的头盔。A centrepiece of this effort is a helmet with a Borg -like eyepiece.

在阿勒马克图姆国际机场的核心是发展。The Al Maktoum International Airport is the centrepiece of the development.

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这只年满450岁的足球将成为本届世界杯赛足球历史展上的中心展品。The 450-year-old ball will form the centrepiece of an exhibition on the history of the sport.

城里的中心是雷吉斯坦广场,中世纪时这里是市场。Its centrepiece remains The Registan, which in medieval times acted as the city's marketplace.

这位英国首相已经将减少非洲贫困作为其在8国集团任期内的中心装饰品。The British prime minister has made reducing African poverty the centrepiece of his presidency of the G8.

影片中异形幼体破胸而出的可怖场面,成为了那个时代的恐怖经典。It was the film that contained a grisly, chest-bursting centrepiece that tapped into the fears of the age.

中间是宫崎骏书房的翻本,非常细节化,并且很浪漫,里面充斥着各种各样的关宫崎图书和模型。The centrepiece is a detailed, romanticised version of Miyazaki’s study, overflowing with models and books.

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我们信步来到剧院广场一睹奢华的巴黎歌剧院,这是一块具有象征意义之地的焦点所在。We stroll to Place de L'Opera to take in the extravagant Opera Garnier, the centrepiece of a symbolic space.

这是多哈的具有里程碑意义的杰出海滨,西湾商业及住宅区的中心。It is the centrepiece of Doha's outstanding waterfront landmark, the West Bay business and residential complex.

鉴于来自基民盟左翼的压力,默克尔女士或将把该措施置于其竞选纲领的显要位置。Ms Merkel may yield to pressure from the CDU's liberal wing to make this the centrepiece of her election platform.

穿越哥达山的铁路隧道是阿尔卑斯山铁路新干线的主体工程The railway tunnel through the Gotthard mountain constitutes the centrepiece of the New Railway Link through the Alps

他本场帽子戏法同样始于一粒头球,那粒令人印象深刻的进球是想象力和技术的体现。His hat-trick had also begun with a header, but the centrepiece was a moment of unforgettable imagination and technique.

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获得苏丹的允许后,祭坛被送到德国,成为柏林佩加蒙博物馆的镇馆之宝。With the sultan's permission, the altar was sent to Germany and became the centrepiece of the Pergamon museum in Berlin.

黑色小牛皮装饰缀有黑矿色水晶,绽放神秘迷人的璀璨光彩。The black calfskin leather centrepiece is embellished in Jet Hematite crystal, creating an intense and mysterious sparkle.

在Karimabad镇可以看到山谷的全景,这里是北方地区旅游业的中心。The town of Karimabad, which offers panoramic views over the valley, is the centrepiece of the Northern Area's tourist industry.

一个大规模的国际运动的核心,本网站沉浸在达芬奇密码的危险和神秘的世界游客。The centrepiece of a massive international campaign, this website immerses visitors in the dangerous and cryptic world of The Da Vinci Code.

Horaawesheb的棺材中保存着一位年轻女子的木乃伊,展览中有一座重建的埃及墓室,这件展品成了墓室的中心装饰物The coffin of Horaawesheb contains the mummy of a young woman and forms the centrepiece of a recreated Egyptian burial chamber inside the exhibition

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性别派对的核心是准父母打开一个写有他们孩子性别的信封,这里面是超声波检查的结果。The centrepiece of the party is the opening of an envelope to reveal a note written by the ultrasound operator informing the couple of their baby's sex.

裕廊岛是新加坡的化工产业中心,是一个设备齐全的枢纽,拥有完善的基础设施和辅助行业网络。Jurong Island, the centrepiece of Singapore's chemical industry, is a self-contained hub with a vast network of infrastructure and supporting industries.

空间的中央是三张公共餐桌上方的一块悬吊的木板天花,上面吊着特别设计的吊灯。A floating plywood veneered ceiling featuring 21 custom designed lighting pendants over three large communal dining tables is the centrepiece of the space.