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完全可利用卫星传输方式来替代DDN传输方式。So, the satellite transfer mode can instead DDN completely.

针对DDN网络,提出了一种视频会议加密技术。This paper presents a new encryption scheme of videoconference on DDN network.

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由于经济条件的限制,我国DDN用户节点侧一直发展缓慢,用户使用很不灵活。Due to economic constraints, the DDN user node site has seen very slow development.

以深圳市这种网的设计为例,对这种网进行了具体的解释和说明。Using the designing practice of shenzhen DDN as an example, the detail explanations are made.

随着数据通信的飞速发展,焦作的DDN业务发展较快。With the full development of data communication, DDN service of Jiaozuo develops comparatively fast.

最后又从市场的角度,指出了DDN固有的缺陷以及发展方向。At last from the angle of the market, I point out the defects of the DDN and the way it will develop.

又从市场角度,分析了焦作DDN业务的潜在发展前景。Then I discuss the potential development prospect of the DDN business of Jiaozuo from the market angle.

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对IP数据传输的质量进行了分析,并对将来用IP传输代替DDN传输提出了建议。We have analyzed the IP signal quality, and suggested to replace the DDN transmission with IP transfer technique in future.

经过大量的前期论证工作,焦作成功地建设了迈普DDN网络,为焦作地区DDN的业务发展奠定了良好的网络基础。After hard work Jiaozuo has successfully set up the DDN network of Maipu. It provides a better foundation for the development of DDN in Jiaozuo.

本文在简要地讨论了数字数据传输原理和方法之后,对数字数据传输系统、DDN网和CHINADDN作了概要的介绍。This paper discusses the principles and methods of digital data transmission. and gives a brief introduction of the digital data transmission system , DDN AND CHINADDN.

本文主要介绍了无线DDN的特点、承载方式以及网络结构,并结合实际介绍无线DDN在行业应用中的典型案例。This paper introduces the characteristics, carrying mode and network architecture of wireless DDN, and describes some typical applications of wireless DDN in industries.

无线DDN就是中国移动利用已有的网络平台,为行业客户提供的机器到机器的无线数据传输业务。Wireless DDN is one of such solutions for wireless data transport service, which is provided for customers to communicate among industry equipments on network platforms.

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传统DDN专网属于星型拓扑结构,缺点是逻辑拓扑难于调整、网络可扩展性和可维护性较差。Traditional DDN Private Network belongs to star topology with shortcomings of difficult adjustment of logical topology and worse extendibility and maintainability of network.

数据通信网上接通的,在邮电部门办理登记手续的数据传输用户。Digital and Data Users refer to the data transmission users who log to the DDN data telecommunications network and have registered with the post and telecommunications authority.