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军队土崩瓦解了。The army fell apart.

何来的分离What's to come apart?

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东是东西是西,你我相隔万里。Our worlds are far apart.

如果你需要落碎。If you need to fall apart.

我的大脑被一分为二。My brain gets split apart.

木箱散了。The wooden box fell apart.

远隔重洋,日复一日。Oceans apart day after day.

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你是说除了布莱克之外?You mean, apart from Blake?

日复一日的隔洋遥望。Ocean apart , day after day.

是何方神圣能把一颗恒星拆散了?What could rip a star apart?

现在谁能力挽狂澜?Who can now tell them apart?

他把一条旧被子撕得粉碎。He picked apart an old quilt.

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我们试着把这段分解一下。Let's try to take this apart.

因为我理他们远远儿的。I kept myself apart from them.

没什么可分的There's nothing to come apart.

我们隔老远种一棵树。We plant the trees wide apart.

两地相距10里。The two places are 10 li apart.

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把花栽得更疏些。Plant the flowers further apart.

他们相距千里。They are a thousand miles apart.

但是亚巴顿总是特立独行。But Abaddon was always one apart.