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MEF将组件从静态依赖中解放出来MEF abstracts components from static dependencies.

MEF可以组合组件中的深层次对象结构MEF composes deep object hierarchies of components

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MEF可以延迟加载和延迟初始化组件MEF can allow components to be lazily loaded and lazily instantiated.

MEF为运行时扩展提供了简便的解决方案。MEF presents a simple solution for the runtime extensibility problem.

MEF可以将拥有不同编程模型的组件组合在一起,而不仅仅是静态类型MEF can compose components from various programming models, it is not bound to static types.

MEF为主应用系统提供标准的方法以便应用系统向外爆露自己和使用外部扩展功能。MEF provides a standard way for the host application to expose itself and consume external extensions.

MEF为组件提供了目录机制和丰富的元数据,使得组件可以被动态搜索到MEF provides a cataloging mechanism and rich metadata for components to allow them to dynamically discovered.

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这意味着您将使用MEF提供第三方的可发现性,但在发现代码使用国际奥委会。This means you would use MEF to provide third party discoverability but use an IoC within the discovered code.

海军陆战远征部队对于有能力抵抗朝鲜攻击且人力资源丰富的韩国来说是不必要的。The MEF isn't necessary to support manpower-rich South Korea, which is capable of deterring a North Korean attack.

海军陆战远征部队对于有能力抵抗朝鲜攻击且人力资源丰富的韩国来说是不必要的。The MEF isn’t necessary to support manpower-rich South Korea, which is capable of deterring a North Korean attack.

Stern还指出,此次论坛的另一目的是满足主要经济体对坎昆会议的期望。Stern also indicated that another aim of the meetings were to manage expectations for Cancun amongst the MEF countries.

我将推荐给我的团队,我们采用这两个国际奥委会的一个结合MEF按格伦的文章。I will therefore recommend to my team that we adopt one of those two IoC's in conjunction with MEF as per Glenn's article.

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方法取昆明小鼠胚胎分离成纤维细胞,用丝裂霉素C处理成纤维细胞为胚胎干细胞制备饲养层,消化贴壁成纤维细胞为核移植提供供体细胞。Mitomycin C was used to pretreat MEF for feeder layers of embryonic stem cell and MEF was digested for donor cells of nuclear transfer.

基金会的具体目标将是改善社区基本设施环境,为更多人群提供不同机会的工作与活动。The goal of the MEF will be to promote basic community amenities and opportunities for various groups through different projects and activities.

在那个视频中,我构建了一些简单的视图模型并展示了一个基于用户的选择动态变换的视图,并使用MEF框架把所有相关项联系到一起。In that video, I build some simple viewmodels and show a view that is dynamically swapped based on user selection, and use MEF to wire everything up.

陆战队的航空装备到达普天间空军基地使得第3远征军可以迅速地将急需的给养和援助物资提供给最需要的地方。The proximity of Marine aviation assets at MCAS Futenma has allowed Marines from III MEF to rapidly deploy critically-needed supplies and aid to areas that need it most.