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什么是“帐户签字人”?What is an "account signatory"?

伊朗是这一公约的签署国。Iran is a signatory to this convention.

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中国是该条约首批签字国之一。China was among the first signatory states.

委员会主席,缔约国。生效。Director-General, signatory States. Come into force.

每个缔约国都有权在辽阔的中国市场进行贸易。Each signatory would have the right to trade in the vast China market.

公司签证项目签字人必须积极参加申请流程。The CVP Signatory must take an active part in the application process.

公约失效须经各缔约国的批准或接受。It shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory States.

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本条约须经各签字国批准。The present Treaty shall be subject to ratification by the signatory States.

180个缔约国中有150多个国家现已批准这项禁止核试验条约。More than 150 of the 180 signatory states now have ratified the test ban treaty.

规定,所有签字国都不得诉诸战争。The covenant of the League of Nations bound all signatory states not to go to war.

国际联盟盟约规定,所有签字国都不得诉诸战争。The covenant of the league of nations bound all signatory states not to go to war.

本公约将成为各签字国批准或接受的主题。This Convention shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory States.

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新获授权签署证书人士的雇佣合约及强积金供款纪录副本。Copy of employment contract and MPF contribution record of the new authorized signatory.

签署人须为申请人董事会正式授权的人士。The signatory shall be a person duly authorised by the board of directors of the applicant.

工场负责人签署约章后,可在工场内展示约章的标志,表示服务质素有保证。Signatory workshops have the right to display the Charter logo, a symbol of service quality.

各签字者应按公约和本协定的一切规定行事。Each Signatory shall act consistently with all provisions of the Convention and this Agreement.

有权签字人可以为乙方的法定代表人或单位负责人或其授权的代理人。The authorized signatory may be the legal representative, principal or its authorized agent of Party B.

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如今,正如连续剧中新年下决心这发誓要减轻10磅一样,签字的国家必须达标。Now, like serial New Year’s resolvers pledging to lose 10 pounds, signatory nations have to get on the scale.

乙方副署并交还合同,且附上签字人护照的放大扫描件给甲方。After Party B countersigns and returns the Contract with enlarged scanned copy of signatory passport to Party A.

该报告指出,缅甸自1991年8月15日开始,就已经是儿童权利公约的签约国。The report pointed out that Burma had been a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child since Aug. 15, 1991.