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中国是国际展览局的成员国。China is a BIE member state.

别里科夫脸色苍白,站起来。Bie Lee Kopf looked pale, stand up.

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别里科夫把他的思想也极力藏在一个套子里。Bie Lee Kopf put his ideas also tried to hide in a bush.

最后BIE带着AFF来到山坡上,欣赏美丽的彩虹。Last BIE with AFF to the slopes, enjoy the beautiful rainbow.

假如我是百万富翁,我会把钱给大别山的孩子们。If I were a millionaire, I would give money to Da Bie Shan children.

第一条,鳖神是你的神,除鳖神外,你不可有别的神。First, God Bie is your Lord, you shall have no other Gods before Him.

只有成为国展局成员国才能申请举办世博会。Only BIE member states have the right to apply for hosting a World Expo.

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我的同事希腊文教师别里科夫两个月前才在我们城里去世。My colleague Greek teacher Bie Lee Kopf two months before death in our city.

“田家莂”所记事项较多,文字表述较长,故其尺寸较大。"Tian Bie" the mind matters more, a longer written expression, so the larger size.

田家身份及其佃田与租税问题是“田家莂”研究中的一个重要问题。Tian identity and Tsukuda and tax question is "Tian Bie" research in an important issue.

“田家莂”的性质及其形制特征是“田家莂”研究中的一个基本问题。"Tian Bie" in nature and its shape is characterized by "Tian Bie" study a fundamental question.

大学毕业后,BIE被经济公司看中,成为了一线明星,而AFF。After graduation, BIE is Economics fancy, become a first-line star, but AFF has become BIE broker.

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在大学校园里,BIE和AFF一起参加各个社团活动,还在一起排练话剧。On campus, BIE and participate in various community activities with AFF, but also with doing the play.

世博会第一次在发展中国家举办,充分体现了世博会强大的生命力,也充分显示了国际展览局的远见卓识。This fully demonstrates the strong vitality of the World Expo and the vision and far-sightedness of the BIE.

人不论志气大小,只要尽力而为,矢志不渝,就一定能如愿以偿。A man whether he has bie or small aspirations will secceed so long as he has tried hie best with perseverance.

是来到失忆的BIE的身边,在他面前说他养父的坏话,让自己变成了好人。Is come to the side of of BIE amnesia, before he speaks ill of his adoptive father, let oneself become a good man.

申办世博会需要完成申办、考察、投票和注册四项程序。Application for hosting a World Expo shall go through four procedures-bidding, BIE enquiry, voting, and registration.

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莂之剖分方法有二,剖成二联或三联则取决于当事者的多少。Bie of the Split method has two, Generative two together, or triple depending on the number of the persons concerned.

申办世博会需要完成申报、考察、投票和注册四项程序。Application for hosting a World Expo shall go through four procedures----bidding, BIE enquiry, voting and registration.

BIE的养父为了照顾他和保护他,忍辱负重地呆在BIE的身边,受尽BIE的欺负。BIE"s adoptive father to take care of him and protect him, bite the bullet to stay BIE"s side, suffered BIE"s bullying.