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在强光下,他双眼发花。His eyes dazzled in the glare.

她对那个粗鲁的男子怒目而视。She gave the rude man a glare.

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在灯光或阳光下你可能会感到眩光。You may see glare from lamps or the sun.

眩目的阳光和白雪刺得他睁不开眼睛。The glare from the sun and snow blinded him.

该测试模拟太阳光或车头灯的眩光。Test simulation sunlight or glare of the lamp.

我连它们那残忍的眼睛中的灼灼目光都看清楚了。I could catch the glare of their ferocious eyes.

画中的云水由强光表示。The painting of cloud water from the glare said.

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灯光或阳光可能会使你感到严重眩光。Glare from lamps or the sun, which may be severe.

他歹毒地盯着那个蜷缩成一团的嫌疑犯。He turned his baleful glare on the cowering suspect.

这是由于白内障引起的眩光所造成的。This happens because of the glare caused by a cataract.

白昼瞪着好奇的眼睛,吓得星星飞一般遁逃。Day with its glare of curiosity puts the stars to flight.

汽车头灯造成的眩光可能会使夜间开车遇到麻烦。Difficulty driving at night due to glare from headlights.

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当老师冰冷的瞪视落在他身上时,每个人都咯咯地笑。As the teacher's icy glare lands on him, everyone giggles.

站在远处看,招牌上炫目的中国字非常醒目。From afar, the bold glare of Chinese characters stands out.

从周围的眩光灯和灯光可能会导致眼睛疲劳。Glare from surrounding lamps and lights can lead to eyestrain.

最后,在屏幕上加片护目镜来减少眯眼。Last, put a glare screen3 on your monitor to reduce squinting.

散落的那一张张精致的大头贴,孤单也狠刺眼。Scattered fine that a picture ID, but also ruthless glare alone.

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眩光一般分为不适眩光和失能眩光。Discomfort glare and disability glareare the two important glare.

别那么瞪眼望着老师,你该被骂的。Don't glare at your teacher like that. You deserved the scolding.

眩光过这些电视机是一个小个子那么糟糕。Glare off of one of these televisions is worse then a smaller one.