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用来使氮液化的过程。A process that is used to liquefy nitrogen.

不幸地是,一次地震就可能将水坝的关键之处毁于一旦。Unfortunately, an earthquake might liquefy the core of the dam.

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但是,尽管加速度很大,盆地的几部分没有被液化。However, regardless of very strong acceleration several parts of the basin did not liquefy.

三期扫描中脓肿腔内的液化坏死区均未强化。In three-phase scanning, no enhancement was seen in areas of liquefy and necrosis in vomica.

使气体临界温度时液化所需要的最小压力就是该气体的临界压力。The minimum pressure required to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature is its critical pressure.

照片显示若干次浪涌后,银板达到熔点液化。The photos showed that, after some surges, the silver layer reached its melting point, causing it to liquefy.

供试品固相消失全部液化时的温度作为全熔温度。Provide to try an article solid mutually disappear all liquefy of the temperatures are a whole Rong temperature.

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超低温制冷的一种用途是从空气中分离氧和氮,并使它们液化。One use of refrigeration at ultralow temperatures is to separate oxygen and nitrogen from air and to liquefy them.

它们用消化酶和螯枝把猎物的身体液化并吸干液化后产生的液体。By using these enzymes, and their gnashing fangs, the spiders liquefy their prey's bodies and suck up the resulting fluid.

针对混合制冷循环液化天然气流程的热力学研究进行流程的系统模拟。In this paper, the authors researched the calculation method of one typical mixed refrigerant cycle to liquefy the natural gas.

唯一的代替方法是花大价钱用液氮作为冷却剂液化氢气,用罐车从公路上运输。The alternative is to liquefy the hydrogen at great expense and transport it in road tankers refrigerated with liquid nitrogen.

当原料气流过节流件时,产生焦耳-汤姆逊膨胀及降温,使部分气体和大部分水蒸汽液化。As the feed stream flows through the choke, the resulting J-T expansion and cooling causes some gas and most of the water vapor to liquefy.

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国有能源公司很少支付建造液化气体所需的庞大设备,通常是将液化石油气装在冷冻箱中海运并在靠近买方的地方再气化。National energy firms rarely pay for the vast infrastructure needed to liquefy gas, ship it in freeze tanks and regasify it close to consumers.

资本金就是他们可以,用作偿付的现金,当...,这是当出现挤兑时,银行可以迅速,变现并且用作支付款项的资产Capital is the money that they have to pay out should there be a -its assets that they can quickly liquefy and pay out should there be a run on the bank.

饱和砂土在动力荷载作用下易发生液化而丧失承载能力,使路基填土遭受大规模的破坏。Under dynamic loading it is easy for saturated sandy soil to liquefy and lost bearing capacity, causing the subgrade fill to be destroyed in large scale.

在气态表层之下,它们并没有固体的表面——外层大气产生的压力融化了它们的内部,尽管它们可能具有石质的核心。Beneath these outer layers, they have no solid surfaces — the pressure from their thick atmospheres liquefy their insides, although they might have rocky cores.

而且,美国看来不会出口这些过剩的天然气供应,因为当地缺乏能将大量天然气液化并输送出口的基础设施。And it's not as if the U.S. would export the excess supply, since the country lacks the infrastructure to easily liquefy large amounts of the gas to sell abroad.

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为了解决这个问题,喷射成型,抵消成型和螺杆式注塑机的热固性塑料液化一样穿过喷油嘴的模具。To address this issue, jet molding, offset molding and screw-type machine molding liquefy the thermosetting plastic just as it passes through the injection nozzle into the mold.

所有失窃的电热桩,都能在瞬间产生高功能热量,高到可以把地表液化成熔浆。Every one of the stolen electro-thermal stakes could produce highly functional heat in an instant at temperatures sufficiently high to liquefy the Earth's surface into flowing lava.