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他的故事实在是一纯属捏造之事。His story was a sheer concoction.

她喜欢调制外国菜。She enjoyed the concoction of foreign dishes.

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但是LOL真地是懒惰、孩子气的混合物吗?But is "LOL" really a lazy, childish concoction?

这种最后的混合物包括了75-80种不同的成分。The final concoction contained 75 to 80 different ingredients.

事实上,曼迪哥最早研制出的是一种仿猪排杂烩。The original concoction Mandigo made was formed as a faux pork chop.

抗衰老已不再只是简单往干燥皮肤上擦面霜了。It’s no longer enough to simply slather some creamy concoction on dry skin.

她路过的时候我们都仰慕她“皮姆先生看着皮帕,在啜饮着混喝饮料。We always admire her as she passes by." Mr. Pim watches Pippa suck the concoction.

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这是一种祖传秘方,这调制品对老疼痛、老毛病很有效。This is a home remedy, a concoction that has worked wonders on old aches and pains.

体验大量创新的作品,你会熬出鼓舞人心的药汁。Sample an enormous amount of creative work and you’ll produce an inspirational concoction.

车上装着一些普通爆炸物的混合物,例如烟花,带子和肥料。It was loaded with a crude concoction of ordinary items like fireworks, furl and fertilizer.

然后将一些燃烧脂肪的肉桂吐司涂在你新炮制的全麦面包上。Then whip up some fat-burning cinnamon toast by using your new concoction on whole-wheat bread!

她在墨尔本商业区租了一个门面,以令人咋舌的标价销售面霜。She rented a storefront in downtown Melbourne, and peddled her concoction at a staggering markup.

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这些材料都是这家公司的秘方,一种独一无二未曾试用过的材料。These materials are the company’s own secret recipe— an unique concoction not used anywhere else.

风格像费伯奇的复活节彩蛋这种巧克力的混合物有可能会花去你2万2千英镑。Styled like a Faberge Easter egg, the chocolate concoction will set you back an eye-watering ?22, 000.

矿物药的炮制方法还受地质成因、产状、微量元素等因素的影响。Concoction methods of mineral medicine have effect on geology cause of formation, attitude, microelement.

大多数人都知道这点--尤其是那些喜欢美味的巧克力的朋友们。Most of us have known this for a while –especially those who have a liking for this wonderful concoction.

这绝非偶然,事实上现在的奶酪制品就是精心设计的混合物,里面含有多种复杂的化学物质。And that's no accident. Cheese food is a carefully designed concoction based on some complicated chemistry.

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他将他发明的调味品装入一种老式的香水瓶中并送往全国的零售商销售。He bottled his concoction in some old perfume bottles and started shipping to them grocers around the country.

疾病预防控制中心发现,这种病毒是人类、禽类和猪流感基因的混合体——一种“流感香肠”。The CDC discovered the virus is a mashed-up concoction of human, avian and pig flu genes –a kind of flu sausage.

下一步,得到冲洗从您当地的药店,并用它来挤压内炮制自己冲洗干净。Next, get a douche from your local drug store and use it to squeeze the concoction inside and flush yourself clean.