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你开起车来象个疯子。You drive like a maniac.

我追到那个疯子只是时间问题。It was about time I tracked that maniac down.

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这个疯子在人群里横冲直撞,胡乱开枪。The maniac ran amuck in the crowd, shooting at random.

我想我最后已经成为一个相当专业的偷车狂人了。And I guess I became quite the skilled maniac in the end.

他开车像个疯子,我们一路上险象环生。He drove like a maniac. We had one near miss after another.

有个狂徒在那幅价值连城的画上乱凿了几个洞。A maniac had gouged several holes in the priceless painting.

还是一场蔓延在世界金融市场中的疯狂?Or is an indiscriminate maniac stalking the world's bourses ?

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正如你认识到的,他意识到自己是这个疯子的傀儡。He realises, you sense, that he's the sock puppet of a maniac.

由于百脑汇剧院就在我家后面,于是我就像一个疯子一样不断去试唱。With Broadway theaters in my backyard, I auditioned like a maniac.

这类的人在火车头论坛,狂人论坛有大把的。This kind person is in loco forum, maniac forum has big. Of course.

自从有一天搭了一个精神病人以后,我碰到搭顺风车的人就不再停下来了。I used to stop for hitch-hikers' till the day I picked up that maniac.

酒足饭饱后,与谋杀,狂派就查新的敌人。Having sated with murders, the maniac sends on searches of new enemies.

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我的商业伙伴是个狂热的高尔夫球爱好者,每天练习好几个小时。My business partner is a golf maniac sho practices several hours a day.

中国“疯狂的媒体时代”让企业无处藏身。The "Maniac era of media" in China makes the corporate no place to hide.

他的贬抑者谴责了他作为恶魔、吸毒者和性疯子。His detractors denounced him as a Satanist, a drug addict, and a sex maniac.

一直要学著这样工作,不用多久,你就会变成非常自信的狂人。Learn to work like this all the time, and soon you'll be a self-confident maniac.

一直要学着这样工作,不用多久,你就会变成非常自信的狂人。Learn to work like this all the time, and soon you'll be a self-confident maniac.

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一直要学着这样工作,不用多久,你就会变成非常自信的狂人。Learn to work like this all the time, and soon you'll be a self-confident maniac.

琢磨不住的鼓点,主唱有些癫狂又有点喋喋不休的唱腔,就是这支乐队的标签。The band is tagged by the unpredictable drumbeats with the maniac garrulous vocal.

昨天晚上,我躲在棉被里,听着外面的风啸声像一个疯子。Yesterday night, I crouched in the quilt, listening the outside wind howling like a maniac.