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谢谢Dexter,真让人安心。Thanks Dexter, that’s reassuring.

茶房可以有充分的乐趣及安慰。Having a full pantry can be fun and reassuring.

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有他帮同料理,我很放心。It is quite reassuring to have him as a helper.

鬼兴人安心平静,鬼兴人和心也安。Ghost hing reassuring calm, ghost hing heart also.

这些早期的对白比电影更让人觉得安心。These early talkies are more reassuring as movies.

选择思永,就是选择简洁,选择放心。Select Si-yong, is to choose simple, reassuring choice.

信奉无情真理远远胜于一则让人宽心的神话。Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable.

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这是猫儿们让自己冷静下来的惯常行动。This is a normal activity that cats find calming and reassuring.

这是一个多么令人宽慰的寓言故事——一个关于凡人其实是多么美好的寓言故事。It's a really reassuring fable about how good it is to be mortal.

达罗搂著我的肩膀,在我耳旁嘀咕几句,叫我放心。Darrow had whispered, throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder.

我把头靠在她的一侧,一次没有臂膀的拥抱,一个温馨的轻推。I pushed my head into her side, an armless hug, a reassuring nudge.

我们不知道这种部分的再发现象是否会持续。We do not know if this partly reassuring picture will be maintained.

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我父亲宁愿亚伯拉罕能对他说点儿什么,比如宽心的话。He would have liked Abrahim to say something kind and reassuring to him.

对我而言,这是大自然赐予的令人难忘的静心曲。To me it was the reassuring sound of nature , trying not to be forgotten.

一个好的教科书会有大量的图片和很多的可靠主题思想。A good recipe book has plenty of pictures and lots of reassuring messages.

你可以据实以答,但是要用一种可靠的方法,把事实冲淡到他可以接受的层次。Be honest, but just water down the facts to his level in a reassuring way.

鲍威尔仍是平日那副老神在在的样子,他呼吁参议员不要放炮。Powell was his usual reassuring presence, urging senators not to mouth off.

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首先,她就可以从购并一家衰败的知名品牌来捞一笔。For a start, she may benefit from having a strong, reassuring brand in a downturn.

这位叫肯尼斯·费恩伯格的沙皇的背景是不能让人放心的。The background of the Czar, Kenneth Feinberg, is not reassuring in these respects.

他使人产生恐惧心和信心。马吕斯把经过告诉他。This calm, abrupt man was both terrifying and reassuring at one and the same time.