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任何内容都是广告。Any content is advertising.

它都在广告某种事物。It's advertising something.

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一个办法是利用广告。One way is with advertising.

我们对广告是免疫的。We are immune to advertising.

广告是一宗大买卖。Advertising is a big business.

电视是很好的广告媒体。TV is a good advertising medium.

广告费用必需预先支付。All advertising must be pre-paid.

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他在广告界很有成就。He has great success in advertising.

有时广告也走歪门邪道。But advertising sometimes goes astray.

我一直没有提到广告。I have said nothing about advertising.

我们都易受广告的影响。We are all susceptible to advertising.

这么好的广告交易网。We had this great advertising network.

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来做免费广告的托儿吧?。You do Free advertising here , Tuo-er?

现在养车挺费钱的。Advertising costs a good deal of money.

推销信是广告的一种方式。A sales leter is a means of advertising.

广告这一行真是永远都得不到休息啊!Advertising is such a non-stop industry.

共同广告宣传推广服务。Co-op advertising and promotion service.

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是广告部的史密斯先生吗?。Mr. Smith of the advertising department?

罗德。希尔顿。我的广告部经理。Nnd Rod Hilton, our advertising manager.

广告花招太多了。There is too much advertising gimmickry.