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我的声部是女高音。My part is soprano.

托尼瑟普拉诺死了嘛?Did Tony Soprano die?

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她将唱女高音。She will carry the soprano.

你有女高音的嗓子冯?。Do you have a soprano voice?

托尼·索普拉诺就是这么干的That's the purpose of Tony Soprano.

托尼·索普拉诺用暴力维系这些协议Tony Soprano enforces those contracts.

她在很多大型歌剧中唱过女高音。She has sung soprano in many major operas.

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她以异常纯美的高音歌唱。She sings in an exceptionally pure soprano.

女高音歌手是个来自加利福尼亚的壮硕姑娘。The soprano was a chunky girl from California.

后,歌剧指挥开始挥动他的指挥棒,女高音的歌声随之响起。waving his baton, and the soprano started singing.

花腔女高音的声音频率是多少?Is Coloratura soprano singing a way of focus singing ?

第一声又高又平,像音乐中的高音。The first tone is high and stable, like a soprano note.

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长笛无疑是最好的花腔女高音。The flute is the best coloratura soprano without doubt.

她有着音质特别好的女高音歌喉。She possesses a soprano voice of unusually fine quality.

这位女高音和这位钢琴家配合不太好。The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well.

他的声音突变后,他不能再唱童声高音部了。After his voice broke, he could no longer sing soprano parts.

是女高音,听着就像天使的声音似的。It was a high soprano voice, almost like a voice of an angel.

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女高音歌手在四座欢呼声中开始演唱。The soprano begins to sing amidst acclamation of the audience.

这部歌剧将由女高音谭晶和雷佳扮演主角木兰。Soprano Tan Jing and Lei Jia will perform the title role Mulan.

林氏曾为香港科技大学学生会合唱团女高音声部部长。She was the soprano part leader in the University Choir, HKUSTSU.