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而成长就是那弯遥遥迢迢的来时路。And growing is that sinuous road.

我行驶在蜿蜒的山路上。I drove along sinuous mountain roads.

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自动形成的河槽是趋向于弯曲的。Self-formed river channels tend to be sinuous.

明媚的花园,曲折的小溪。And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills.

在这里可以真正领略曲径通幽的乐趣。May understand the sinuous pleasure truly in here.

因为有强烈的曲折,研究人员将这种类型的称为“蜿蜒”山谷。Researchers call the type shown here a "sinuous" rille, exhibiting strong meanders.

他的有力、有弹性的线条部分特色是来自于新艺术的书法艺术。His sinuous and elastic line took part of its character from Art Nouveau calligraphy.

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波脊较圆滑、缓曲,且具明显的分叉现象。The crests of the BRM are rounded and slightly sinuous and are apparently of bifurcation.

蜿蜒的草灌分界线巧妙的与周围的植被融为一体。The sinuous edge of the lawn integrates subtly with the surrounding meadow in an organic manner.

设计融合了独特的特点,登上领奖台和塔成蜿蜒不断扭动线圈。The design merges the distinct features of a podium and tower into a sinuous and continuously twisting coil.

丝带状蜿蜒的极光在图片右下角附近分散成离散的斑点。The aurora has a sinuous ribbon shape that separates into discrete spots near the lower right corner of the image.

侧向迁移明显,垂向上由富砂的顺直河道演化为相对富泥的弯曲河道。The channel migrates laterally and evolves from lower low sinuous sand-rich to upper high sinuous mud-rich channel.

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族人们跳着极具表现力和情感的舞步,这是生命的庆典。Expressive and emotional, the sinuous movements are a celebration of the body, a celebration of life, movement, breath.

有一阵,他用手指触摸斗篷上的一个圆环形符号,半白半黑的颜色被一条蜿蜒的曲线一分为二。For a moment he fingered the symbol on his cloak, a circle half white and half black, the colors separated by a sinuous line.

在圆明园中有许多亭台楼阁、假山异石、花坛苗圃和蜿蜒流水。It included dozens of small pavilions and garden buildings, rare rocks, artificial hills, banks of flowers and sinuous streams.

建筑的弯曲结构向东高高举起一座塔,该弯曲结构被包裹在闪闪发光成波浪型的百叶窗遮蔽系统下。The building's sinuous form rises up to a tower to the east and is wrapped in a shimmering, undulating louvered shading system.

四臂正弦天线是一种用途广泛的宽频带双极化天线。As an important form of wide-band dual polarization antenna, the four-arm sinuous antenna has been widely used in EW equipments.

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结果表明,野丁香属植物叶表皮细胞为多边形或不规则形状,垂周壁平直、弓状或波状。The results showed that leaf epidermal cells were either polygonal or irregular, with straight, arched, or sinuous anticlinal walls.

拉兰内夫人的许多作品源自枝叶缠绕的枝状烛台、花园长椅、珠宝首饰和栅栏大门。Many of Mrs Lalanne’s pieces are fashioned from sinuous vines and leaves twisted into candelabra, garden benches, jewellery and gates.

在经历了“西化”和“民族化”曲折历程以后,中国装饰艺术呈现出前所未有的勃勃生机。After the sinuous experiences westernizing & nationalizing, chinese decoration art shows the most vigorous life at the end of the century.