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这是一个追欢逐乐的场面。It was a sordid scene.

今天他正坐在肮脏的咖啡馆里。Today he is in a sordid café.

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他厌恶这笔肮脏的交易。He was sick of the sordid deal.

想要删,是删不干净的。Want cutout , it is cutout is sordid.

妈妈们的少年生活可真让我着迷!I am fascinated by Mom’s sordid early life.

所以,下面是全部易忽略的细节。So, here are the complete and sordid details.

我已经洗手不干那种肮脏的勾当了。I've washed my hands of the whole sordid business.

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这样一种恶毒的谎言简直是暗箭伤人。Such a vicious lie injures people by sordid means.

赶上了我所有的肮脏的小暴动。Catch me up on all your sordid little insurrections.

我已经彻底洗手不干所有的肮脏的勾当了。I have washed my hands of the whole sordid business.

三十岁之先,望睹立陈龌龊的的士皆口烦,托付!After thirty, even the sight of a shabby and sordid taxi may sicken me. Ok !

随着他身后的肮脏头条个月,谢利美正式前进。With months of sordid headlines behind him, Sheremet is officially moving on.

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它是卑鄙龌龊的,因为它完全是为金州电力公司赚取利润的。It is sordid because the objective is to make profits for Golden State & Light.

有些人很粗鲁,不礼貌或者猥琐,我会把他们拉黑。Sometimes I also pull some people into blacklist if they are rude, impolite or sordid.

索菲看上去很纯洁,应该不会参与这样的肮脏交易。Sophie Neveu seemed far too solid of character to be mixed up in something that sordid.

他眼睛现在注视的那个破烂住处却是丑陋、腌臜、恶臭难闻、黑暗、污秽的。The den upon which his eye now rested was abject, dirty, fetid, pestiferous , mean, sordid.

我正在考虑描述人类的不洁,人与人关系中利欲熏心的方面。I'm thinking about describing the nastiness of human beings, the sordid part of relationships.

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杂志上的短篇小说似乎只想一味吹捧勃特勒先生那号卑鄙的孜孜为利的人们。The magazine short stories seemed intent on glorifying the MR. Butlers, the sordid dollar-chasers.

街道两边是外表有些肮脏的粗砾石建成的小屋和村舍。Small gritstone -built houses and cottages of a somewhat sordid aspect stood on either side of the street.

油管螺纹跟杆体一样,在长期恶劣的工作环境下,会产生各种各样的缺陷。Just like oil-pipe body, oil-pipe thread area can produce many kinds of flaws under the sordid working condition.