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这件上衣需要返工。This jacket needs to be remade.

他们已改订了暑期计划。They have remade their plans for the summer vacation.

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范·桑特是以逐个场景、逐个镜头的方式将该片进行重拍的。Van Sant remade the movie scene for scene and shot for shot.

我痴迷的心正再次为你打造那串美妙音韵的项链。My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs

河流的故道已经被填平,修成公路了。The old river course has been filled up and remade into a driveway.

零碎的各种项目穿越五个镇区,纽约市正在一点点被重新塑造。Piecemeal across the five boroughs, New York is gradually being remade.

不料非儿却因戴错连戏项链,导致必须重拍。But FeiEr for wearing the wrong necklace, even play cause must be remade.

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“深喉”,目前正由XXX制作公司翻拍。“Deep Throat” is currently being remade by XXX production company, Vivid.

在最初的时候,我们已经一遍遍重塑和再造了我们自己。From our earliest days, we have reimagined and remade ourselves again and again.

斯哥特也损失了很多钱,然后偿还债务,又重新发财。Scott lost a lot of money as well, and then remade a fortune to pay off his debts.

于是我重塑了它,创造了一个新的法术――迄今为止最伟大的法术。So I rewove it and remade it, and made a spell- the greatest spell that has ever been made.

为保护环境,节约资金,博罗旧城改造拟分期对直排式合流制排水系统进行改造。For protecting water environment and saving money, the combined sewer system will be remade by stages.

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商业与经济已经被数字技术重建,如今创造发明正在重新打造法律,颠覆定律正在正面冲撞目前调整数字化生活中的商业与消费活动的条约、制定法、行政法规和司法判决。Business and economics have already been remade by digital technology. Innovation now is reinventing law.

本发明涉及一种晒衣架,属日用品领域。The present invention relates to a kind of clother horse which is remade by using general clothes-hanger.

目前,国内外小型全封闭式氦气压缩机几乎都是由全封闭式氟里昂制冷机改制而成。At present, almost all small enclosed heliuin compressor were remade from the enclosed freon refrigerator.

也许他们能选出一个合适的演员,出演由漫画改编的电影,或者选出最应该翻拍的70年代老片。Maybe they can cast the star of a new Marvel comic book movie. Or pick which '70s comedy should be remade.

相反,曾经做过克格勃特工的普京在上台之后,按照他的思想重塑了俄罗斯政治。By contrast Mr Putin, a former KGB officer, remade Russian politics in his own image after coming to power.

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土地改革和镇压反革命运动重组了乡村社会结构,重塑了新的社会关系。The campaign of land reform and the suppression of counterrevolutionary remade a new kind of social relation.

iPad一问世就迅速成为历史上普及最快的消费电子产品,并重塑了整个行业。The iPad quickly became the fastest-adopted consumer electronics product in history and remade the entire category.

木卫一的表面不断的被其众多的活火山涌出的熔岩沉积物重新塑造着。Io's surface is constantly being made and remade through the lava deposits streaming from its many active volcanoes.